Page 137 - International Marketing
P. 137


                             BRILLIANT'S                 Managing International Market   139

                                 1.  Their product lines are less diverse.
                                 2.  Their products are sold to end users.
                                 3.  Marketing is the critical variable.
                                 4.  All of their products are marketed through similar channels.
                                 5.  Products are changed for local consumer needs.
                                 Geographic organization has many advantages. Delegation of line
                             authority and responsibility is explicit. Co-ordination of product sales and
                             manufacturing is enhanced and overall there is a pooling of experience in
                             problem areas.
                                 A significant disadvantage of this structure is that a large number of
                             'super' executives are needed to run the organization effectively. Another
                             one is that individual product may suffer because there is no single executive
                             responsible for the specific product activities.
                             3. Product organization
                                 The third structure assigns world-wide responsibility to product group
                             executives at the line management level. The coordination of activities in a
                             geographical area is handled through specialists at the corporate staff
                             level. The firm is segregated along product lines, each division is a separate
                             profit centre with the division head directly accountable for profitability.
                             Decentralization is critical in this structure.

                                                     Chief Executive Officer

                                   VP—Admin Services                    VP—Operating Support

                                            Product A                  Product B

                                  US      European   Asian      US      European   Asian
                                Manager   Manager   Manager   Manager   Manager   Manager

                                                     China                         China
                                                    Manager                       Manager
                                                    Singapore                     Singapore
                                                    Manager                       Manager

                                    Fig.: Product Management Organizational Structure
                                 Corporations that operate within  the structure  usually share  the
                             following characteristics:
                                 1.  They have a variety of end-users.
                                 2.  Their product lines are highly diversified and employ a high level
                                     of technological capacity.
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