Page 132 - International Marketing
P. 132


                             134                   International Marketing       BRILLIANT'S

                             marketers formulate diverse strategies to fit the various different markets
                             and successfully compete in them. A basic requirement  for the effective
                             implementation of any strategy is appropriate organizational structure.
                                 Managers may follow a decision process of global co-ordination and
                             integration. But the political demands of a particular host country may
                             require a more diverse and locally responsive  decision process. These
                             simultaneous pressures for greater integration and greater diversity create
                             strain in  structuring the  organization. Thus, choosing an  appropriate
                             structure is an important and complex issue.
                             Factors Affecting Organizational Design
                                 A multinational corporation must choose an organizational structure
                             that maximizes decentralization while still providing for the co-ordination of
                             independent activities. The structure is determined by the following factors:
                                 1. Quality of  management: The
                             decentralization of authority to the local level  Factors Affecting
                             can become quite a problem because the  Organizational Design
                             quality of management varies from country
                             to country.  However,  authoritative    1. Quality of management
                             committees  either at the  corporate  or 2. Diversity of product line
                             regional level with majority control can be 3. Size of firm
                             used to offset this potential problem.  4. Location of  subsidi-
                                 2. Diversity of product lines: Most   aries and  their char-
                             firms with a high degree of product diversity  acteristics
                             decentralize on a product basis, rather than  5. Economic blocs
                             on an area basis. Firms producing a few
                             similar products will not decentralize on a product basis, because of the
                             high degree of interdependence among these products. But complete
                             standardization is usually not practical or desirable for marketing decisions
                             because of different market characteristics and consumers.
                                 3. Size of firm: Firm that derives a substantial portion of business
                             from foreign operations usually drops the international division structure in
                             favor of a product or geographic structure, which facilitates growth. As
                             long as its international business is small, a firm can operate effectively
                             with an international structure.
                                 4. Location of subsidiaries and their characteristics: A company
                             that emphasizes  local  and  regional variations will  lean  toward the
                             geographic  structure because specific geographic  variation must be
                             specifically catered to. On the other hand, a company whose subsidiaries
                             are similar to those of the home country is unlikely to favour a geographic
                             structure because  a good  degree of  standardization  can be used  in
                             promoting  products.
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