Page 135 - International Marketing
P. 135


                             BRILLIANT'S                 Managing International Market   137

                             Organizational Structures
                                 There are dominantly four types of organizational structure which are
                             generally followed by an organization. They are as follows:
                             1. International Division Organization
                                                     Responsibility  (worldwide)  Responsibility

                                                   Staff             Line

                                                    Vice President  Planning  Senior Vice President  International  Advertising

                                                    Vice President  Research      Distribution  and Sales

                                      Chief  Executive Officer       Senior Vice President

                                                    Vice President  Manufacturing  Group C  Product  Management

                                                    Vice President  Marketing  Senior Vice President  Group B

                                                    Vice President  Finance  Senior Vice President

                                                   Vice President  Human  Resources  Group A

                                    Fig.: International Division Organizational Structure
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