Page 131 - International Marketing
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BRILLIANT'S Managing International Market 133
Organizations Within India
There are a number of export promotion organizations in India which
are important sources of information pertaining to foreign markets. While
some of these are general, others are product specific.
These organization include India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO)-
Trading Corporations, Chambers of Commerce, Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII), FIEO and Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards/
Export Development Authority. Organizations like the Indian Institute of
Packaging, Export Inspection Council are also important sources for certain
types of information. Though EXIM Bank is primarily a financial institution,
it is also an important source of guidance for exporters. Valuable information
can sometimes be obtained from other exporters, export houses and trading
houses, banks, ECGC, etc.
Organizations Outside India
The international trade centre, Geneva, is a very important source of
information and assistance to exporters, particularly from developing
countries. Offices of the Indian embassies abroad and concerned
departments/organizations of the foreign governments may be approached
for certain types of information.
Several governments, like that of Japan, give a lot of importance to
import development and they are very much interested in providing the
information relevant to importing of these countries. For example, the
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), has brought out publications
entitled “Access to Japan’s Import Market” pertaining to every important
import item of Japan. These publications give a lot of information related to
the import trade of different products.
Organizations like the world bank also makes studies and reports
regarding certain products. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an
important source for different types of informations.
Q.19. Which factors affect organizational structure designing in
foreign market? Explain any five factors. [MBA 2012]
Explain the organizational structure in foreign market.
[MBA(FT) 2009]
Write notes on: Structure in Foreign Market. [MBA (FT) 2008]
Markets across national boundaries offer many opportunities for growth
and expansion. In taking advantage of such opportunities, international