Page 168 - International Marketing
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                             170                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                 2. Consumer  products: The  firms
                             which  are dealing  with the  consumer   Factors Encouraging
                             products have  to adapt  their, offerings
                             according to the customers needs.      1. Difference in tec-hnical
                                 For example, at McDonald's, coffee in  standards
                             South American units are much stronger as 2. Consumer products
                             compared to North America, and in certain 3. Income differences
                             parts of Europe and Asia, the food is more  4. Cultural differences
                             spicy to meet the local tastes.        5. Government influ-
                                 3. Income differences: The  level of  ences
                             income vary from country to country. This
                             affects the demand for consumer durables. The features of the product
                             have to be modified to make them affordable to lower income people.
                                 For example, in US, the bicycles have several added features as
                             they are used for exercise and recreation. But in many developing countries;
                             only basic models are available as they are used for transportation.
                                 4. Cultural differences: The culture varies from one country to other.
                             If a product is liked in one country, it is not necessary that it would be
                             liked by other  country too. For example, cosmetic and other beauty
                             aids, that sell well in the US may not be acceptable to Indian women.
                             Similarly, the shampoos and deodorants which may have strong appeal in
                             Europe, fails to attract customers in the U.S. Thus, adaptation, is required
                             to fulfil the customer’s needs in culturally-different countries.
                                 5. Government influences: Sometimes, the government regulations
                             of a particular country are strict, such as the product may be required to
                             be locally manufactured and not imported. The taxation policy of government
                             also influences the product modification. For example, in Europe, tax on
                             car and engine design influence the car modification there.
                                 Local market regulations also influence the product adaptation. For
                             example, European and American MNCs sell non-alcoholic beer in the
                             Middle East. The drink is called a malt beverage and cannot be advertized.
                             Thus, marketers rely on in store promotions and contests.
                             Branding Strategies
                                 Export Marketing may involve several decisions to branding. Some
                             important branding decisions are explained as follows:
                                 1. To Brand or Not to Brand: Although branding provides many
                             advantages, howevers it is costly and risky. At the same time, in the
                             absence of a brand, a company's product would be devoid of an easy
                             identity. However, there are lot of export opportunities for non-branded
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