Page 169 - International Marketing
P. 169
BRILLIANT'S Overseas Market 171
goods. The consumers have shifted towards nonbranded goods in advanced
countries. What consumers look for are reasonable price and quality.
2. Manufacturer's Brand or Private Brand: A manufacturer may
use for his products, his own brand or private brand, i.e., the distributor's
brand. Many Indian firms are manufacturing products for private brands of
the foreign sellers. It will be very difficult particularly for small exporters, to
sell their products abroad under his own unknown brand name.
Exporting under the private brand may be used as a market entry
strategy. The exporter could think of marketing the product under his own
brand after having established a credibility and having gained sufficient
3. Same Brands or Different Brands: If the exporter decides to use
his own brand name, a major decision to be made is whether to use the
same brands in the domestic and foreign markets. Again if different brands
are to be used for the foreign markets, whether there should be separate
brands for the different foreign markets.
Althougth, the establishment of international brand names facilitates
the marketing of products globally, it also raises issues of brand piracy,
imitation and fake brands. Some brands like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mc Donalds,
etc. have become so popular all over the world that they are well known
every where, even before their entry. One important thing, however, about
some of these global brands is that although the product is sold throughout
the world under the same brand, the product does not remain the same
every where. For example, Lux marketed in India is different from the
product in other countries. And Mc Donalds has added extra spices to its
menu in the Indian market.
Q.25. Discuss briefly the following stages involved in International
Product Life Cycle framework for the initiating country:
(i) Local Innovation (ii) Overseas Innovation
(iii) Maturity (iv) Worldwide Imitation
(v) Reversal
Also provide suitable diagram of above stated concept.
“International Product Life Cycle (I.P.L.C.) of a Product dif-
fers from country to country.” Explain in brief. Discuss vari-
ous phases of I.P.L.C.? Provide diagram. [MBA-2011]