Page 176 - International Marketing
P. 176


                             178                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                        They were not aware of that product or technology.
                                        They followed the restrictive trade policies so far.
                                  They were not having sufficient financial capabilities.
                                  After importing that product for some time, they started finding
                                    low-cost manufacturing options to cater to the need of their do-
                                    mestic consumers.
                                  In South Korea, Samsung and LG started producing mobile phones
                                    cheaper than that of Motorola and Sony.
                                  Then they sell this cell phone to USA and other advanced coun-
                                    tries because of low-cost advantages.
                                  At the end, they are either the 'low cost market leader' of that
                                    product or the 'global sourcing hub' of producing that product in
                                    their country.
                                    Thus, less developed countries are first the importer, then imi-
                                    tator of that technology then global lost cost market leader for
                                    that product.
                                    Unit Produced

                                           STAGE 1          STAGE 2        STAGE 3
                                         New product     Maturing product  Standardized

                                           Fig.: IPLC Less Developed Countries
                                 The model helps organizations that are beginning their international
                             expansion or are carrying products that initially require experimentation to
                             understand how the competitive playground changes over time and how
                             their internal workings need to be refitted. The model can be used for
                             product planning purposes in international marketing.
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