Page 185 - International Marketing
P. 185


                             BRILLIANT'S                      Overseas Market            187

                                 Market price:
                                 Less: Retail margin on selling price.
                                 Cost to the retailer
                                 Less: Wholesaler's markup on his cost.
                                 Cost of the wholesaler
                                 Less: Importer's markup on his cost.
                                 Cost of importer
                                 Less: Import duty
                                 C.I.F. Price
                                 Less: Freight and insurance charges.
                                 F.O.B. Realization of the exporter.
                                 Having determined the upper and the lower limits of what a firm can
                             charge, it has to exercise discretion and judgment on the actual price. As
                             the firm gains experience, it would be able to set prices to provide higher
                             and higher profitability. Much could also depend upon the relative bargaining
                             position of the buyer and the seller. Before quoting a price, the seller
                             should try to determine the real interest of the buyer, he should also try to
                             get as much information about the market as possible. The more that is
                             known about the target market and the buyers for the product concerned,
                             the better placed the exporter is to conduct negotiations and match the
                             offer to the buyer's needs. While negotiating with the buyer, the exporter
                             would find it useful to emphasize the total package of the offer. Market
                             approach is widely used in Japan.
                                 Both the cost and market approaches essentially consider common
                             factors in determining the final price. The difference between the two
                             approaches  involves the core concern  in setting  prices. The  market
                             approach focuses on pricing from the view point of the customers. In theory,
                             pricing may be based on either of the two pricing approaches but in practice
                             the cost approach is usually followed because of the difficulty in gaining
                             adequate knowledge of the foreign market and the need to ensure a
                             satisfactory profit on export transaction.
                                 3. Break-Even Pricing: Break-even pricing involves study of revenues
                             and costs of a firm in relation to its volume of sales and specifically the
                             determination of that volume at which the firm's costs and revenues will be
                             equal. Breakeven point may be defined as that level of sales at which total
                             revenues equal total costs and the net income is equal to zero. This is
                             also known as no profit no loss point. The main objective of break even
                             pricing is to  develop relationships of cost,  price and  volume within a
                             company's practical range of operations where there is neither profit nor
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