Page 187 - International Marketing
P. 187


                             BRILLIANT'S                      Overseas Market            189

                                 1. Should the transfer takes place? Should the company make the
                                    item or outsource it, i.e. purchase it on the outside market?
                                 2. If the answer to a first question is yes, then what type of transfer
                                    pricing should be used?
                                 3. Should the central office interfere in establishing the transfer price?
                             Criteria for Determining Transfer Pricing
                                 The criterias for determining the transfer price are as follows:
                                 1.  Transfer price should help in accurate measurement of divisional
                                 2.  Transfer price should motivate the divisional managers into maxi-
                                     mizing the profitability of their divisions and making decisions
                                     which are in the best interest of the organization as a whole.
                                 3.  The transfer price should ensure that divisional autonomy and
                                     authority is preserved.
                                 4.  The transfer price should allow goal congruence to take place. It
                                     implies that the objectives of the divisional managers are com-
                                     patible with the objectives of overall company.
                                 5.  A transfer pricing system should check the international groups
                                     which may try to manipulate transfer prices between countries
                                     with a view to minimize the overall tax burden.
                             Factors Affecting Transfer Pricing
                                 There are many factors which help in deciding which transfer price to
                             use. These factors are as follows:
                                 1. Local taxes: The most significant concern in setting transfer prices
                             is the local tax rate and tax regulations. The use of transfer pricing to shift
                             profits into  local  jurisdictions that  have
                             relatively lower corporate tax rates normally  Factors Affecting
                             results  in lower overall income  taxes.   Transfer Pricing
                             However, high prices for  captial  assets
                             increase the depreciation allowances for the  1. Local taxes
                             business units that receive them. This lowers 2. Currency fluctuations
                             overall taxes when the assets are transferred 3. Subsidiary profits
                             from lower to higher rate jurisdictions.  4. Expense accounting
                                 An effective transfer pricing  system  5. Joint venture support
                             should deal with changes in import export  6. Output capacity
                             duties, income taxes, excise taxes  and so
                             on in a way that minimizes these taxes overall.
                                 2. Currency fluctuations: Transfer prices can be adjusted so as to
                             balance the effect of fluctuating currencies when one subsidiary operates
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