Page 192 - International Marketing
P. 192


                             194                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                   What do you understand by Dumping? Also explain the ob-
                                   jectives and arguments of Anti-dumping legislations.
                                 It is a fact that prices in home market and export markets may differ.
                             The price of the product in markets abroad may be lower or higher than or
                             equal to price in the market at home market. In case, the price of the
                             product in the market abroad is lower than the price in home market, then
                             the question of dumping appears. In international markets, dumping is a
                             widely used strategy. Dumping means selling of a product or commodity
                             below the cost of production or at a lower price in overseas markets
                             compared to domestic markets. Dumping is considered as ‘unfair’ trade
                             practice by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Anti-dumping duties
                             can be levied on imports of such products under the agreement on Anti-
                             dumping practices. A product is considered to be dumped if its export
                             price is less than either its cost of production or the selling price in the
                             exporting country. Besides, for taking anti-dumping action, there should
                             be genuine ‘material’ injury to the competiting domestic industry. The
                             government in the importing country should assess the extent of dumping
                             and estimate the injury cost to prove dumping.
                                 Dumping is considered to be ‘unfair’ in international markets, but it
                             makes sound economic sense as a profit maximization strategy. For
                             dumping to occur, the following conditions need to be satisfied:
                                  The industry must be imperfectly competitive so that the firms act
                                    as a price setter rather than price taker.
                                  Market must be so segmented as to make it difficult for the domestic
                                    buyers to purchase goods intendend for overseas markets.
                                 There is no acceptable exact, definition of the term 'dumping'. GATT
                             (General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade) has defined it as, "the difference
                             between the domestic price and the price at which the product is exported
                             from a country."
                                 According to United States, "dumping is an unfair trade practice,
                             unfair price  cutting having  for its  objectives the injury, destruction  or
                             prevention of the establishment of American industry."
                             Objectives of Anti-Dumping Legislation

                                 The objectives of the anti-dumping legislation are:
                                 (i)  To legitimately protect the local industry and trade from preda-
                                     tory pricing practices by foreign companies, or,
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