Page 194 - International Marketing
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196 International Marketing BRILLIANT'S
tariff barriers to protect the domestic industries have been forced to reduce
the tariff and non-tariff barriers under WTO agreements. India has also been
fulfilling her commitment to WTO in the matter of bringing down the trade
and non-trade barriers. The peak tariff rate has fallen from 110% in 1992-93
to 20% by 2004-05. India has abolished QRS by April 2001. In terms of
application of new final anti-dumping measures; India reported applying 16
new measures, registering a 78 percent increase during January-June 2008
over the nine new measures it reported for the first half of 2007.
The Indian Solar (PV) Manufacturer’s Association filed a dumping
complaint against module imports from China, US, Malaysia and Taiwan
in January 2012 with the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied
Duties (DGAD) at the Ministry of Commerce.
Recent statistics reveals that nearly one fifth of the total 379 actions
have been initiated against China. In this respect, India's record is similar to
the world statistics reported by WTO. A quick comparison reveals that India
accounts for nearly 20% of the anti-dumping cases initiated against China.
Statistics shows that India has initiated more anti-dumping actions against
developing countries rather than developed countries. This is also in line
with the international trend. An analysis of the sectors reveal that five sectors
have contributed to more than three fourth of the anti-dumping initiations at
the international level and the same sectors are important to India also both
as initiator and also as an affected country. However, the Indian ranking is
closer world pattern in the case of cases against India compared to cases
initiated by India. Statistics also reveals that the anti dumping cases have
been initiated in sectors that contribute a huge share to the total exports
and these sectors are also witnessing higher growth rates.
Chemicals including plastic and rubbers accounted for 14.8% of Indian
exports in 2003-04 and textiles accounted for 19%. Engineering goods
which includes some base metal articles and machinery and appliances
accounted for 19.4% of the total exports. They also represent some sectors
in which India is increasing the market share at the international level in
the post liberalization period. As per the statistics, the items of Indian
exports which rank within the top 15 among all the nations and also affected
by anti-dumping initiations. International Trade Statistics 2004 specially
mentions India as one of the six countries with rising chemical exports.
Recently, a number of new initiations, temporary imposition of duty, the
final duty being notified, the duty being extended for a year or five years and
the number of cases going to the judiciary, has increased. Out of 109 Customs
Tariff Notifications issued so far in 2008, about 46 percent of them are related
to anti-dumping. In near future, more of it is likely to be notified to protect the