Page 196 - International Marketing
P. 196


                             198                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                             restrict imports or cause an unjustified increase in the cost of products.
                             India has initiated 275 antidumping investigations between 1992 and March
                             2012, involving over 40 countries.                           
                                     DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL DECISIONS
                             Q.31. Write a short note on: Distribution channel decisions with
                                   respect to international marketing.       [MBA (FT)- 2006]
                                   Write a short note  on: “Distribution  channels in overseas
                                   market.”                                     [MBA(FT)- 2004]
                                   What do you understand by Distribution Channel? Discuss
                                   the functions of the distribution channel.

                             Distribution Channel
                                 Distribution channels are link between producers and customers. The
                             American Marketing Association defines channel of distribution as "an
                             organized network  of agencies  and  institutions  which in
                             combination, perform all the activities required to link producers
                             with users  to accomplish  the marketing task".  Distribution is the
                             physical flow of goods through channels comprising of a coordinated group
                             of individuals or firms that perform functions adding utility to a product or
                             service. The major types of channel utility are: place (the availability of a
                             product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customers);
                             time (the availability of a product or service when desired by customer),
                             form (the product is processed, prepared and ready to use and in proper
                             condition) and  information (answers  to questions  and general
                             communication about useful product features and benefits are available).
                                 Since, these utilities are basic source of competitive advantage and
                             product value, the marketing  management must choose the  channel
                             strategy as one of the key policy decisions. An international marketer is
                             required to make several decisions that will affect its channel strategy
                             including the length, width and number of distribution channels to be used.
                                 A distribution channel may be defined as "the path traced in the direct
                             or indirect transfer of title to product as it moves from a producer to ultimate
                             consumers or industrial users".
                                 A distribution channel, in the other words, is the set of firms and
                             individuals that take title or assist in transferring title, to the particular
                             good or service as it moves from the producer to the consumers.
                                 The above definition makes it clear that channels of distribution may
                             consist of two categories of intermediaries or middlemen, viz.,
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