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                                                         earlier rounds, ‘across the board’ tariff
                                                         negotiations conducted. Tariffs cut by 35
                                                         percent on  manufactured goods.
                             Seventh 1973-79 Tokyo       99 countries participated. Reduction of
                             (Tokyo Round)  (Japan)      tariffs by 20-30 percent on goods valued
                                                         at over $ 300 billion announced mostly on
                                                         manufactured goods. Study groups on
                                                         quantitative restrictions, safeguards,agri-
                                                         culture etc.,set up. Nothing much achieved.
                             Eighth 1986-1994 Punta Del  Complex negotiations covering agriculture,
                             (Uruguay Round) Este        Multi-Fibre Arrangement (concerning trade
                                            (Uruguay)     in textiles and clothing), market access,
                                                         TRIMs, TRIPs and services. Negotiations
                                                         result in the creation of a new international
                                                         body WTO replacing GATT.

                                 This table presents a birds eyeview of tariff negotiations under the
                             various rounds of GATT.
                             Provisions of GATT

                                 The various provisions related to the GATT are as follows:
                                 1. Trade in Agriculture: The provisions of GATT related to the trade
                             in agriculture are as follows:
                                 (a) Reduction in subsidy: It provides for reduction in subsidy granted
                                    to agriculture by the government. Two types of financial assistance
                                    is provided to agriculture, viz, input related assistance and output
                                    related assistance.
                                    Input related refers to subsidies on availability of water, electricity,
                                    fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. Output-related refers to the 'support-
                                    price' for the output of the farmer. Support price is the minimum
                                    guaranteed price of agricultural crops fixed by government.
                                 (b) Free trade in foodgrains: GATT provides free trade in foodgrains
                                    to those nations which are facing difficulty in balance of payments.
                                    Under  this,  those countries which  have  surplus balance of
                                    payments will have to open their markets to the farmers of other
                                 (c) Easy access to foreign exchange: The developing countries
                                    who are facing difficulty in the foreign exchange will be allowed to
                                    impose tariff on foodgrain imports.
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