Page 57 - International Marketing
P. 57


                             BRILLIANT'S               International Marketing Environment  59

                                 There is an evolving pattern of government directed economic reforms,
                             lowering of restrictions on foreign investment and increasing privatization of
                             state owned monopolies, in these emerging markets. Such markets often
                             have dual economy. There is demarcation between wealthy urban
                             professional class and a poorer rural population. Income distribution is much
                             more skewed between the ‘haves’ and “havenots” than developed countries.
                                 High economic growth is often accompanied by high inflation. Poland,
                             Brazil, Mexico and China, all have suffered from high rates of inflation
                             recently. It tends to be a more persistent problem in the developing world
                             than the developed world. Due to high inflationary environment, lesser
                             developed countries are suffering from high levels of external debt.
                                 (iii) Less  Developed Countries  (LDC’s): This group  includes
                             underdeveloped countries and developing countries. The main features
                             are a low GDP, per capita income, a limited amount of manufacturing
                             activity and a very poor and fragmented infrastructure. The transportation,
                             communication, education, healthcare and other infrastructure are very
                             weak. The public sector is also slow moving and bureaucratic.
                                 Generally, the LDC’s are heavily dependant on one product and one are
                             trading partner. In many LDC’s this product is the main export earner.
                             Amongst 28 LDC’s seven receive over 1/2 and nine receive between 25 and
                             50% of their export earnings from the main export commodity. In addition, 3
                             quarters of LDC's depend on their main trading partner for more than 1 quarter
                             of their export revenue. This risk is posed to the LDC by changing patterns of
                             supply and demand which are great. Falling prices of the commodity can
                             result in great decreases in earning for the whole country.
                                 Countries such as Columbia (coffee), Cuba (Sugar), Ghana, (Cocoa),
                             Mali (cotton) are examples of dependence upon agriculture.  Gabon (Oil),
                             Jamaica (base metal ores), Mauritania (iron ore), Nigeria (Oil) are few
                             examples of reliance on the extraction of minerals.
                                 The other problem faced by LDCs is economic circumstances. Some
                             countries are small with few national resources which makes difficult to
                             start the process of substantial development. Poor health and education
                             standards need money on a large scale. At the same time, there are
                             demands for public expenditure on transport, communication and water
                             control systems.
                             Currency risks
                                 World currency movements, simulated by worldwide trading and foreign
                             exchange dealing is important aspect in international environment. In
                             addition to this, different markets, customer demands, competitive actions
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