Page 13 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2021
P. 13

BiTS INTERVIEW: Halley DeVestern

       The Halley DeVestern Band is a high-energy Blues Funk Roots Rock band from New York City
       featuring ex members of Roger Waters, Shawn Mullins, Deni Bonet, and more.

       They have toured nationally and internationally, had a #1 song on the prestigious Roots
       Music Report (keeping company with The Tedeschi-Trucks Band, Norah Jones and the like)
       and were in the running for the 57th Annual Grammy Awards.
       Ian McKenzie spoke to Halley on the telephone at her home in New York city.

    BiTS:  Tell me something about your early life, where you started, where were you born and that
    sort of thing?

                                                      HD:  I was born in Manhattan. I lived most of my life

                                                      on Long Island early on. I was born in 1963, so I’m up
                                                      in there in age and I studied acting. I went to acting
                                                      school for college and I got into music around that era,
                                                      and I came late to music because I was focused on
                                                      acting mostly, and that’s about it.

                                                      BiTS:  Your college degree was from the University
                                                      College of Fine Arts. Is that the one in Boston?

                                                      HD:  Yes, Boston University.

                                                      BiTS:  What did the course involve? Was it acting or
                                                      did you do singing and dancing and that sort of thing?
                                                      Was it everything?

                                                      HD: It was just acting. I got a degree, a Bachelor in
                                                      Fine Arts—a BFA—in acting.

                                                      BiTS:  I’ve done a bit of research in preparation for
                                                      this chat. I see that you’ve done some voiceover work

                                                      as well. Are you still doing that?

    HD: Yes, I am. It’s something that’s easy to do from home, so I’m doing a lot of that and with COVID
    and everything it’s safer than going out on a set and doing a movie shoot or a commercial shoot.

    BiTS:  You, at some stage, were fronting with the Janis Joplin band, Big Brother and the Holding
    Company. How did that come about? Did you do auditions for it? Were you in competition with
    other people?

    HD:  No, what happened was I applied for a spot in the Lilith Fair competition to perform at Lilith
    Fair and it happened to be run by an assistant to Ron Delsener, who was a big concert promoter

    here in New York. His assistant played my demo for him, and he liked me so much that I met with
    him, which was very exciting, and he said I want to do something with you, but I don’t know quite
    what to do, but I know that Big Brother and the Holding Company is looking for a singer for their
    East Coast tour. I hooked up with them. He sent them my demo and they liked it so much that they
    hired me on the spot. We didn’t do any rehearsals, they just sent me recordings to learn the songs
    and we met up in Indianapolis and did the first gig there without rehearsal and it went great. It was
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