Page 15 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2021
P. 15

BiTS:  Tell me about the band. How did you acquire the musicians? Did you audition for them, or

    were they recommended, or what?

    HD: They were just recommended. We didn’t do any auditions. It was just word of mouth – who
    was good, who can do it. Auditions are kind of funny. It’s not something I enjoy doing. I’d rather
    just get together and see who’s good.

    BiTS:  Do you do a lot of rehearsal?

    HD:  Not lately because of COVID. We haven’t been getting together as often as we’d like. In fact,
    we haven’t rehearsed in about a year since COVID hit.

                                                                            BiTS:  Did you have a lot of gigs
                                                                            cancelled when COVID started?

                                                                            HD:  We had some gigs cancelled,
                                                                            not a lot. It put a dent in what we
                                                                            could do in terms of touring. One of
                                                                            our guitarists, his partner is in the
                                                                            high-risk category, so he isn’t able
                                                                            to come out and do a lot. We had

                                                                            some gigs cancelled, but we didn’t
                                                                            have a lot in the hopper.

                                                                            BiTS:  Do you do your own booking
                                                                            at the moment or have you got a
                                                                            management agency?

                                                                            HD:  I do my own bookings, which
                                                                            can be difficult.

                                                                            BiTS:  Are they starting to creep

                                                                            back, or not?

                                                                            HD:  Well, yes and no. Some places
                                                                            are opening up. Some places are
                                                                            remaining closed and there are
    people touring now, but it’s slow coming back because a lot of things have to be outdoors and with
    the summer coming, I’m sure there’ll be more opportunities for outdoor gigs.

    BiTS:  Tell me something about the new album. First of all, why is it titled as it is? Why is it called
    “Money Ain’t Time”? What was the idea of that?

    HD:  One of our songs is called ‘Money Ain’t Time’ and basically the philosophy is that you don’t
    have a lot of time on this Earth, so make the best of it and don’t worry so much about earning
    money because no matter how much money you have, you still can’t cheat death. That’s what that
    was about, and I think it also harkens to the COVID situation. Like I said, you don’t have a lot of
    time on this Earth, so make the best of it. That’s basically it.

    BiTS:  You referred earlier on to your husband being the bass player in the band. What’s his name,

    HD:  Thomas Heinig.
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