Page 20 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2020_Neat
P. 20

DTW:  You know, I said this the other night at the awards; I feel so blessed to be able to do what I
   love for a living, sometimes it feels effortless. But if all I had to do was just show up and sing, I’d

   never work a day in my life! It's been a long journey, but the right elements have been put in my path
   at the right time and it seems to flow. I am super lucky to have always had a good team around me.
   From agents to producers to collaborators and musicians. Like I said I’m blessed. The hardest part
   for me is administration stuff; book-keeping, social media, website upkeep etc. That shit has always
   demanded a lot of effort from me and I would really much rather be singing or writing music.

                                                                                 LL:  Your recent release “Mad
                                                                                 Love” is still getting attention.
                                                                                 You’ve  referred  to  it  as  “the
      Mighty Mo Rodgers                                                          quintessential breakup album”.
                                                                                 What’s it all about?

                                                                                 DTW:  Well, it’s about love, in
                                                                                 all its many facets. The good, the
                                                                                 bad and the ugly, so to speak. I
                                                                                 had    a    pretty    short    and
                                                                                 tumultuous marriage that ended

                                                                                 rather  abruptly  and  left  me
                                                                                 feeling  like  the  rug  had  been
                                                                                 pulled  out  from  under  me.  It
                                                                                 was  unexpected  and  pretty
                                                                                 traumatic. But every time I sing
                                                                                 some of these songs, I heal just
                                                                                 a little bit more.

                                                                                 LL:    Can  you  talk  about  your
                                                                                 songwriting process?

   DTW:  Songwriting for me is all about life. Mine and other peoples. It's about connection, empathy,

   humanity. I just got together with a co-writer friend of mine today in fact, and one of the first things
   he said to me is “so what's going on in your life these days that we can write about?” We talked for
   at least an hour and 2 hours later we had a song! It's an awesome experience being a creator! When
   my marriage ended, I had a lot of feelings to deal with, so I tried to channel them into my music. A
   lot of people are dealing with mental illness these days, and it played a big part in the break-up of my
   marriage, so I wrote about it. The title, Mad Love, came out of the two meanings of the word “mad”;
   one meaning angry and one meaning insane. Both of which everyone can relate to at some point in a


   LL:  You work often with guitarist Ben Racine and his band. How do you collaborate together? Does
   he do your arrangements?

   DTW:  Yes, he does! And masterfully, I might add! Ben is a prolific arranger and brilliant musician.
   He did all the arrangements on my last two records. Of course, we all work together in the rehearsal
   studio to develop the song further, and it’s very collaborative, but Ben has a wonderful way of bringing
   things together while respecting the integrity of the song. His grasp of harmony is also amazing. He
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