Page 15 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2020_Neat
P. 15

    Well, I do what I can, but you’re right, absolutely right. It requires people to take a bit of time to
    format the stuff properly and send it properly and all the rest of it because I know unfortunately that

    many of my colleagues simply ignore the stuff if it’s not in the right format.
    I’ve always been behind the scenes. I’ve always felt that women needed more exposure. More boosting
    and more help and so I’m proud that everybody is so excited about this book and said there’s nothing

    like it. I’m just happy that all the women are like this is great. Every single woman I contacted said
    it’s a great idea. Every single woman that I spoke with and contacted. There was one woman who said

    I can’t be in it at this time, except for Mavis, but I never got to talk to her directly.
    Well, I’m really glad that they did and Jen, we’re going to call this to a close if you don’t mind. Let me
    just say that I think the book is wonderful.  I wish you the very best of luck with it all.

    Thank you so much; that’s wonderful.
    Nice to speak to you and the best of luck with the book.
    Thank you so much. You have a great day.

    Bye then.
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