Page 11 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2020_Neat
P. 11

you’ve gotta put her in. I think
                                                                                they  cut  out  a  couple  of  other
                                                                                ones that I had.

                                                                                All the women in the interviews
                                                                                are  living,  breathing,  touring
                                                                                artists. I had Big Time Sarah in
                                                                                there  that  was  written  by

                                                                                Jennifer Littleton, B.L.U.E.S. on
                                                                                Halstead bar in Chicago and that
                                                                                was  her  hang  out,  Big  Time
                                                                                Sarah.  Big  Time  Sarah  was  so
                                                                                much  of  my  blues  upbringing,
                                                                                but  she  got  cut  ‘cos  it  didn’t

                                                                                really  fit  the  format  and  they
                                                                                needed  the  room  for  Peaches
                                                                                Staten. I also had Brenda Taylor.
                                                                                I  wanted  to  meet  with  the
                                                                                Taylors  because  I  thought  that
                                                                                the     Taylors      should      be

                                                                                represented.  Eddie  Taylor,  I
                                                                                thought  that  somebody  like
                                                                                Demetria should be in there, but
                                                                                Demetria lost her brother during
                                                                                the write-up of this and I think
      she was devastated. Eddie Taylor Junior. But then her older sister wanted to be in it and what she

      sent in was mostly about her father and her father’s legacy and it didn’t really fit the format, so
      they cut her too. But I was sad 'cos I thought the Taylor family, Eddie Taylor Junior I think is an
      artist that deserves more recognition than he gets in the big blues influential artists that influenced
      others, don’t you think, kinda, that Eddie Taylor Junior is one of those guys? Anyway, what my goal
      was, was to feature diversity. I wanted to get women from as far reach as I could but it also had to
      be about my photographs, so 90% of the photographs, 'cos that’s the reason we’re doing the book,

      are mine, and then at some point there were some women that I wanted really badly in my book
      that I didn’t actually have good enough photographs of them. I just wanted them in my book, and I
      wanted women like say they only had a woman drummer, even though I reached out to some women
      drummers, but they didn’t get back to me. Or didn’t see it until it was too late. For instance, Tia
      Gouttebel in France. I photographed her, but she didn’t really like them. She was like, oh that was
      a bad time in my life, and I’d go, well just send me some. Then Dawn Tyler Watson. I had some

      photographs  of  her,  but  they  weren’t  really  that  great  so  then  Laura  Carboni,  who’s  a  great
      photographer and her best friend, she sent me some photos and I put Dawn Tyler Watson in at the
      last minute. What I had to do was change my mindset and say, Jennifer, give it up. Like Barbara
      Blue, I never met Barbara Blue although we’ve been talking, we’ve been friends for years. I’ve never
      met her, never had any photographs but she calls herself the queen of Beale Street. I thought, God,

      I’ve gotta have somebody from Memphis in there [laughing]. You can’t leave Memphis out and so
      I tried to reach out to women as far as I could. From Florida to California, like Debbie Davies in
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