Page 14 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2020_Neat
P. 14

down and I’m like with certain people that I really wanted in my book and then certain people I
       tried  so  hard  to  get  a
       hold  of.  Like  I  tried  to
       get a hold of Marcia Ball.
       I didn’t get hold of her.

       Dorothy Moore. Tried in
       vain. I think it took me
       about a year and a half.
       A little over a year and a
       half,  but  I  could  have
       done  it  sooner  if  I’d

       worked harder.
       [Laughing]  Sounds  like
       a  motto  for  life  doesn’t
       it really.
       Yeah.  There  was  no
       shortage of women that
       I  had  photographed  to
       put  in  my  book.  I  had
       loads  of  women.  I’m
       hoping that if I sell enough, I can do a volume 2, 'cos I feel like there’s so many women’s stories

       that didn’t get told yet. I can easily do a volume 2. Will this publisher work with me? I don’t know.
       Let’s hope it sells enormous numbers and that there is a volume 2 and I also hope that we see
       some more books from you because I know you’ve been taking photographs for a very long time
       and you know a great deal about blues musicians and blues music, it’s about time that somebody
       took you up as a regular compiler of text for books for all sorts of reasons.
       Well thank you, but do you know what?  I really do like blues by  women because I always felt
       that women were under-represented. All the time. If you look at the history of festivals booked,
       women are grossly underrepresented and booked. For instance, let me give you an example. Go

       look at the London Blues Fest which is coming up. There’s like three women and 17 guys and so
       I feel like the women can always use a boost and I’ve always felt that way though. I’ve always
       felt that the women were under-represented. What I do at these festivals, especially in the UK,
       'cos I live here in London, I call the promotors out. I say where’s the harmonica players, where’s
       the women? Enough of the guitar shredders. We need to have more diversity. They get mad at
       me, but I don’t care. I have nothing to prove in the blues world. I’ve seen it all, done it all and
       I’ve worked behind the scenes as most of us do without pay for so many years. You have no idea

       how many people I help get their material to the IBBA. Most people don’t know about the IBBA,
       especially in the States and I help them.
       What I do is when I get good promos in the emails, I pass them onto the American artists, and I
       say this is a good example of a promo that’s gonna get airplay. This is gonna get airplay right
       here because you know how it is as blues DJ. You don’t send it right, you just go nuts because

       you get so many emails and the if files aren’t tagged and all that stuff. I’m continuously helping
       mostly American artists get airplay on the IBBA.
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