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BiTS INTERVIEW: Veronica Lewis

       Veronica Lewis is an exciting emerging talent in the Blues & Roots world. A mesmerizing live
       performer with serious piano chops, soaring vocals, and songs that boogie away your blues,

       she’s a seasoned pro at 17, rocking the piano and electrifying audiences with music that’s
       exciting and energetic, yet rhythmically complex and challenging.   This Indie American piano

       player, singer, and songwriter puts a truly modern spin on the Roots of American Music.
       Ian McKenzie spoke to her on the telephone at her home.

    VL: Hey, it’s Veronica.  Thank you for calling. [chuckling].

    BiTS:  My pleasure. Let’s get on and do our interview, shall we?

                                                                           VL:  Absolutely.

                                                                           BiTS:  I’m going to start with the
                                                                           easiest question that you’re ever
                                                                           going to get. Tell me something
                                                                           about yourself that people don’t

                                                                           VL:  Oh gosh. I guess the biggest
                                                                           thing that I wanted to tell people is
                                                                           how grateful I am for all the support
                                                                           because this album - I just released
                                                                           my debut album - “You Ain’t
                                                                           Unlucky”, and it kind of began as

                                                                           very spontaneous and it came
                                                                           together really fast through this
                                                                           pandemic and it’s just been amazing
                                                                           to have everyone’s love and
                                                                           encouragement about it. I mean, oh

                                                                           gosh, let me think! I’ve done so many
                                                                           interviews. Let me think. I’m
                                                                           thinking about something that I
    haven’t already been asked and answered. Well, I mean, I guess a big part of me that I haven’t
    really talked about is stuff outside of music that intertwines with everything - my songwriting and
    my playing, which is I love science and inventing.

    BiTS:  Really?

    VL:  Yes. I mean, I’m not sure if that’s the road we want to go down with this interview. We don’t
    have to go there, but if we wanted to talk about music, I write the majority of all the songs I play
    and even the covers that I do play, I rearrange them totally, so definitely a huge part of who I am is
    a songwriter [laughs].

    BiTS:  Does that sort of mean that you’re into the electronic side of recording as well?

    VL:  A little bit and definitely I’ve gone into more of that because of the pandemic because I actually
    recorded almost all the vocals at home for “You Ain’t Unlucky”, and because of that, I definitely
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