Page 17 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2024
P. 17

BiTS:  Do you have management? I mean, do you do all this yourself? You manage what is

    effectively two bands, one on this side of the Atlantic and one on the other, and all of the touring
    and all the rest of it. Do you do it for yourselves, or have you got assistance?

    RD:  We pretty much do most of it. We do have a guy in the States who we work with.

    GV:  We have people I would say on our team, but in the UK, we have like PR, and we have a
    radio person, but most of the day-to-day work, like for me, it's become, the bigger we’re getting,
    it’s becoming for sure it’s a part-time job. It’s not becoming a full-time job of even just planning
    the tours. Like I'm doing the tour schedules. I'm doing all the ads. We have some people booking
    the shows now. So we have some agents here and there but for the most part, we're doing every
    single thing, including creating all the content and the music.

    RD:  Yeah, and Greta and I have a creative agency here in the states, which is kind of our full-time
    money-earning job. But then what's happened is that it's also become our record label and it's
    become our management company.

    GV:  We've also produced other artists like Ian Siegal.

    RD:  Yeah. We released Ian Siegal’s last record on our record label. It's a non-stop thing especially
    just  keeping  the  band  going  and  also  keeping  the  business  going.  We  work  with  a  lot  of
    clients here who are great clients, and we do a lot of video work. We also did the TV show Live
    from Daryl’s House, which is a music TV show with Daryl Hall, and every month he'd have a
    guest and we did that for two seasons. So sometimes our creative agency and the music world

    GV:  We have corporate clients. We have a lot of music clients. We just did Elles Bailey’s latest
    music video for her new single. So that was awesome.

    BiTS:  One of the things that gobsmacked me at the end of the video is that you did practically
    everything, including the editing and all the rest of it.

    GV:  Yeah. And so basically, I planned it all. I designed it all and then basically was like, hey,
    Robin, this is the plan. And then we shot it on Easter because it was the day I could get the venue
    for the cheapest [chuckles]. So with me and Robin, our makeup artist and then our three friends
    that help us, like Marie who comes on tour with us, and she also helps with a lot of creative
    projects. There's a song about her on the new album. So we shot it all, and then the next day,
    Robin is doing the post work of editing. I think you edited it on the Monday and then we released
    it on the Friday publicly, but we had to get it to all the press people by like Wednesday. So it's
    just like boom, boom, boom. Schedule it. Go shoot it. Now edit it the next day. Now send it to the
    team. Now upload it. Get the ads going. Get all the hashtags. The press release, all those things.
    So it's been kind of crazy.

    BiTS:  I’ve got one final question for you, both of you, I suppose. Where do you want to be in five
    years’ time?

    GV:  Ooh, I would love to be touring the world, especially these places like England where we've
    kind of invested time and built this great fan family and have agents and more people doing
    more of the work and we can focus on being creative and actually getting paid for it because as
    of right now, for the last two years, Robin and I get paid nothing, and we pay our band. So I would
    love to actually be getting paid for what we're doing and have this be our job because it's awesome.

    BiTS:  Robin, what’s your answer?
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