P. 7

According to the United Nations, it is the Latin American country with
       the highest level of literacy. According to a study by Transparency Inter-
       national, it is the second country in Latin America (after Chile) with the
       lowest Corruption Perceptions Index.

       According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), since
       1980 it is the third country in Latin America (after Argentina and Chile)
       with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) and the 48th in the
       world. It is also the Latin American country (along with Costa Rica) with
       the most equitable income distribution, since the richest and the poor-
       est population represent only 10% of society, respectively. It is also the
       fourth country in Latin America (after Cuba, Costa Rica and Chile) with
       the highest life expectancy. In 2014 it was the country of Latin America
       with the highest GDP per capita (PPA).
                     guia turistica del uruguay

       The Corporación Latinobarómetro, in a study carried out in 2008, places

       it as the most peaceful country in Latin America. In addition, according to
       the American magazine International Living is the best of Latin America
       to live.
       According to the same publication, it is among the 20 safest countries in
       the world and also, according to the British publication The Economist,
       among the 20 most democratic.

       With a total area of 176 215 km ², of which 175 015 km ² is the total sum
       of the departments and 1200 km ² comprises the sum of the artificial lakes

       of the Negro River, it also exercises its sovereignty over several islands
       located in the Uruguay River (With a total of 105 km²), 16,799 km² of
       jurisdictional waters (Uruguay river, River Plate and Merín lagoon) and a
       territorial sea area of 125 057 km².                                       Welcome to Uruguay

       The relief remembers in the south part to the lands pampeanas and is
       constituted by vast plains undulated and furrowed by hills of

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