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little elevation called blades. However, they are rather an ecotone that
oscillates between meadows of temperate climate and subtropical forests.
The most important are those belonging to the blade of Haedo and the
blade Grande. Its highest point is the Cathedral hill, with 514 msnm.
The climate in Uruguay is temperate and humid (average 17 ° C), with
warm summers and more or less homogeneous precipitations throughout
the year. In Uruguay, where both maritime and continental influences are
noted, the rainfall distribution has a double rainy season, and is distrib-
uted between spring-summer and autumn, with a peak in autumn and
a secondary maximum in spring. 75% of the territory is doughy ground.
Forests are scarce (25% of the territory). Because of its latitude, between
guia turistica del uruguay
30ºS and 35ºS, the four seasons are clearly differentiated by temperature.
The Uruguayan telephone system has been 100% digital since 1997,
thanks to efforts to improve the telecommunications company ANTEL.
Uruguay was the first country in all of America to possess this status.
Uruguay is the first Latin American country with a commercial operation
in LTE technology, 4G Long Term Evolution mobile telephony, fourth
generation technology, which allows large capacity of wireless broadband
Uruguay has tourist destinations such as Punta del Este, Montevideo,
Colonia del Sacramento, Salto, Lavalleja and Rocha among others. Punta
del Este is the most visited with respect to the other spa.
Welcome to Uruguay
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