Page 16 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 16
English and Information Literacy English and Information Literacy
A love of reading and a feeling of celebration was
very much evident in the school’s annual Book
Week, which this year combined the friendship
of literature and Mathematics. Our “Seven
Days of ABCs and 123s” was a huge success
which saw the children have the opportunity to
explore Maths in books, dress up in an array
of fantastically creative costumes and listen to
some very interesting authors talk about their
This year, the explicit planning and teaching
of Information Literacy skills have enjoyed
a raised profile by continuing the position of
Teacher Librarian. The Teacher Librarian has
given extra support to two year groups during
two units over the year and for the Year 6
students a lesson each week. These sessions
have been planned collaboratively with the
class teachers and have led to a lot of valuable
professional dialogue about how best to engage
children in inquiry in our world today. This has
led to our priorities for the following year
to include a focus on Digital Citizenship and
Academic Honesty.
It is the high level of communication, the
effective working relationships and the ability
of staff to plan with an awareness of children
as citizens of the world, which mean that the
teaching of English and Information Literacy
skills have been truly viewed as a window to
the world this year.
Ms Emily Jeves