Page 19 - Beacon Hill School Annual Report 2016-17
P. 19
Chinese Language and Culture Chinese Language and Culture
Student Achievement of Mandarin at BHS. School renewed the
At BHS, we set high expectations and subscriptions of the two leading Chinese online
believe all students can achieve success at learning programmes - ‘Mandarin Matrix’ and
their own levels. In March 2017, our Year ‘Graded Reading World’ despite the significant
Six students took part in the annual Y6-Y7 increase in annual subscription fees. Students
Chinese Benchmarking test and received from Year 3 to Year 6 benefitted from being
excellent results compared to ESF averages able to access the programmes both in school
in all pathways. Many of our students ranked and at home.
amongst the highest in these assessments. Google classroom is also becoming more popular
In May 2017, three Beacon Hill School students in Mandarin classrooms enabling students to
were awarded as outstanding readers in the collaborate and access resources at anytime
online Chinese Graded Reading World. They and from anywhere.
were Stella Chen 4F, Chloe Wong 6F and
Cheyenne Yu 6H. Professional Development
In addition to the whole school professional
The Mandarin Curriculum development opportunities provided by ESF, all
At the end of each school year, the Mandarin staff in the Mandarin department participated
teaching staff spent time reflecting upon their in two extra CPD days designed specifically to
own practice, analysing data and prioritising the further develop the Mandarin programmes in
curriculum for the following year. Throughout ESF schools. Both teachers and educational
the year, as an integral part of BHS, Mandarin assistants were also able to participate in
teachers worked collaboratively with teaching various other non-ESF conferences and
staff in other curriculum areas to dig deeper seminars held in international schools in Hong
into the learning targets of their students Kong and abroad. These conferences offer
and to adjust the curriculum to meet the up to date “best practice” information that
individualised needs of their students. our staff can carry over into the Mandarin
Chinese Language BHS continued to receive additional funding classrooms in BHS.
from ESFC in the 2016-17 school year which
allowed the extra Mandarin lesson to take The Mandarin department at BHS is committed
and Culture place in Year 1 and Year 2. These lessons to provide the best teaching and learning
focused primarily on exposing students to the environment and experience for all of our
students. We are proud of our achievements
traditions and cultural values of China.
and will strive for continuous improvement in
Technology in the Mandarin classrooms the coming year!
A digital learning environment plays an
important part in the teaching and learning Ms Lynn Xu