Page 13 - My FlipBook
P. 13

bathroom n.  ['bo:Orum]  BAIIIIAfi  II. Cor.racrrrecb  rtJ;:i vcfipaBbre  rreBepsbre rrpeA-
 bedroom  n.  ['bedrum]  CIIAJIbH,fi  roilceHllg.
 capital n.  ['kaprtl]  cToJrtrqa
 carpet  n.  ['ko:prt]  IcOBep  1. There are three rooms in our: flat. There is a
 comfortable  o.  ['k^mfetebl]  yAo6ssrft  living-room,  abedroorn and my room.
 cooker  z.  ['koke]  KyxoIIHag trJII4Ta  2. There is only one window in the living-room and
 cosy  (,.  ['keuzr]  ytornrrft  .  it is very small.
 dining-room  n.  ['darm4rum]  cro.nos'ag   1   .  3. There is a large carpet on the floor and another
 flaf, n.  lfle0  KBapTIIpa  one is on the wall.
 floor z.  [flc:]  IIOJI,  ATA}K
 furniture  n.  ['fa:rufa],  o6cranoara  4. My mother  cooks tasty things in the bathroom.
 house z.  Ihaus]  AOM  5. We wash our face and hands,  clean teeth in the
 kitchen  n.  ['krtjon]  KyxHs  kitchen.
 Iight a.  Iart]  cgerlrrrft
 Iive u.  llwl  )I(TTTb  III.  Ilepene4rrre  na anr.nuftcrcnfi sarrr.
 living-room n.  ['hvrq'rum]  rocrunag, o6u1aa rorvnara  1. Hanra RBaprrrpa Ha rperbeM  gTarrce.
 meal  z.  Imi:l]  eAa,  trpneM  rrr{rql{
 modern  o.  ['moden]  coapeuennsrft  2. IJanala  rocrrrHafi cBerJraff u y4o6naa.
 nine-storeyed  ['narn'stc:nd]  4eaarueraxrtrtrYt  3. Ha Kyxlre ecrb rrJrI{Ta,  xoJroAr/tJrbutrx,  croJr !r
 refrigerator z. (ftidge)  In'fnfieretto]  XOJIOAIINbIII4K  rreTbrpe cryna.
 room  tt.  [rum]  KOMIIATA  4. B nannofi ecrb BaHHa, Kpanbr c ropaveft ra
 sink n.  Isqk]  paKoBnEa  xoJroAHofi no4ofi r,I paroBrrua.
 sitting-room n.  ['utrgnrm]  TOCTITIIA,f  5. ,f nowroraro MaMe rro  AoMy.
 sofa  n.  ['seufe]  gnra-r, cotPa
 street n.  ['stri:t]  IV. Ornerbre Ee Borrpocbr.
 tap n.  ltapl  Kparr
 TV-set n.  ['ti:vi:'set]  TeJreBnSop  1. Where  do you live?
 wall unit n.  I wcljurut]  rou6unrrpoaarnrrft  rura(P,  2. Do you live in a large or a small house?
 ceR4rrs   3. Is your flat comfortable?
 wash u.  lwojl  yMbrBarbcf,  4. Is your room cosy?
 window n.  ['Wmdou]  OKHO
           5. How many rooms  are there in your flat?
           6. Whdt are they?
 I. SanoJrsrrre  nlxrnycnrr rrog'o4srymm  rro cMbrcnJr  7. You have got akitchen and abathnoom,  haven'tyou?
 CJIOBAMIT.  8. Have you got modern furniture?
 1. The flat is not ... but it is very...  .  9. What is there in your living-room?
 2. There is modern ... in our ...-room.  10. WilI you describe your room?
 3. We have ... rooms in our ... .  11. Is your kitchen  large or small?
 4. There is a... and a... with hot and cold water --.  12. What furniture is there in the kitchen?
 in the bathroom.  13. What do you do in the kitchen?
 5. I think, there is no ... Iike ... .  14. What is there in your bathroom?

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