Page 16 - My FlipBook
P. 16
3. We have lunch at home a-fter the second lesson. At the English Lesson
4. After dinner l do exercises.
5. At 9 o'clock in the evening I go for a walk.
6. I try to do everything in time. I have English on Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday. English is usually the second lesson.
III. IlepeneArrre ua asrlrllftcrcllft ssrrrc. At the English lesson we speak, read and
1. Sarervr s AeJraro BapffAny, rrprrul{Maro 4yrrr' Moro write. We speak about school, pupils and
Jrrrqo r pVKu, quqy ay6rr ra oAeBarocb. teachers, about lessons, animals and nature,
2. O6sr-ruo y Hac n.srb ypoxoB. about our friends, sports and games. We read
3. fl npvxoxcy 4owroft B qac, Moro pynrr z o6egaro. books and stories about children, nature, school
4. ?l:,::otqa fl cMorpro reJreBr{eop, ecrul r'r4tit zrre- life and so on. We write letters, words, sentences,
pecnsrfi @znrm. exercises and dictations.
5. Bevepou,fi rroMoraro cBolIM poAIrreJIsM rlo AoMy' We play at English, too. We sing songs and
firpalo B rrraxMarbr vrrvr B KoMrlbrorepHbre r{r'pbr learn poems.
c nauofi, rruraro KHr{rlr, cMorpro reJreBr'r3op trJr9r I like English. I can read and write well, but I
firpam co cBorl[Mrr ApysbflMrr. can't speak English well yet.
6. Mne HpaBr4Tcs [ocJIoB]IrIa: (He orxlagrrnafi na
SaBTpa To' rrTo MolItHO cAeJraTb ceroAH'fl. ))
IV. Paccrcaficnre o cnoiltu pa6oueu gue. Bonpocrr dictation z. [d*'terJnJ Ar.rxrarrr
rroMoryT BaM. Engiish n. ['r4ghl] anr.nuficrczfi ssrrr
exerclse n.
1. Are you a pupil? Friday z. ['eksesaz] yflpa)rinenrre
2. When do you usually get uP? learn u, [s:n] yqr,rrb
3. What do you do before breakfast? lesson z. .[esn] ypox
4. Do you havebreakfastbefore you go to school? Lelter n. ['leta] 6yxra
5. When do your classes begin? Monday z. ['mmdt] [orreAerrbur4x
6. How many lessons do you have every day? poem n, ['peum] crrrxorBoperrne
7. When do you have lunch? Saturday z. ['s@todr]. cy66ora
sentence n. ['sentens] [peAno]r(earre
8. Do you come home at 1 o'clock? speak u.
9. When do you usually have dinner? Thursday z. [spi:k] roBopnrs
10. What do you usually do after dinner? Tuesday n. ['tju:zdr] rrerBepr
11. When do you do your homework? Wednesday n. ['wenzdr] cpeAa
12. Do you help your parents about the house? word n. [ws:d] cnoBo
13. What do you like to do in the evening after supper?
14. When do you usually go to bed? I. Bcrasrre rrporryulerrnbre cJroBa.
15. Do you try to do everything in time?
1. I have English oD ...,
2. At English w€ ..., ... and ... .