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Cover                                                                                       In This

 Feature                                                                                         Issue

 2019 Issue 1                                                                                          2019 Issue 1

 April 2019: Spring
 At the time of writing this Spring edition of MASS Media we find ourselves drowning in a BREXIT
 melodrama. A key frustration for both the public and their Parliamentary representatives alike is trying
 to ascertain exactly what ‘a vote for Brexit’ really means. Of course, a binary choice taken 3 years ago
 is never going to provide any definitive answers with which to work from. In this respect, Brexit has at
 least served to exemplify some of the fundamental reasons for project failure. The decision to commit
 to, and start, any project without a well defined outline of specification, purpose, requirement or agreed
 critical success factors is akin to jumping out of a plane and trying to pack your parachute on the way
 down….when you’ve never packed a parachute before.  Page 4 - aRCHIBUS event at SellafIeld

 Like Brexit, ‘a vote for Archibus’ can mean a whole myriad of different things to different   Page 6 - MaSS UPdate
 organisations, similarly with no two having exactly the same views and opinions on what it means to
 them; or indeed why they decided to purchase it in the first place. Counter to the current political   Page 7 - gettIng to Know tHe PeoPle BeHInd MaSS
 landscape, at MASS we believe that a fundamental part of our success lays in understanding all these
 differing client requirements and creating solutions that ‘deliver for them’. With this in mind, hopefully   Page 8 - dUBlIn RoadSHow
 you will see within this MASS Media Edition that we have taken measures to bolster our Project Delivery
 Team in recent months by putting in place David Perkins, as a full time Project Manager. A key part of   Page 9 - 60 SeCond ConneCt wItH...RICHaRd KIMBeR
 Davids’ role is to act as liaison between the Client and MASS Technical delivery teams in order to try
 and ensure that all projects start with a well defined specification and an agreed understanding of    Page 10 - a fReSH new aRCHIBUS
 deliverable goals and objectives.
               Page 12 - ClIent CaSe StUdy
 This theme of driving impetus towards improving project delivery follows throughout our Spring MASS
 Media,  since we believe that project delivery success can also be a learning mechanism for others.   Page 14 - SIxty MInUte weBInaR
 As you will see here in, MASS has continued to bring clients together over the recent period in order to
 discuss, advise and listen to what ARCHIBUS means to them. With this in mind, I would like to take this   Page 16 - PRojeCt ManageMent at MaSS
 opportunity to thank both Sellafield, for hosting a recent special interest group, and Richard Kimber, for
 adding his valued client user experience content for us.   Page 19 - SPRIng woRdoKU

 In closing, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new clients and continue to thank all our
 existing clients both for your business and very valued support. I hope you enjoy reading this latest
 MASS Media Edition.

 lUKe Bolt

 ManagIng dIReCtoR

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