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oUR lateSt InStagRaM aCtIvIty
 MASS                                                  Getting To Know

 Update                                                                    The People

          dAvid perkins
 2019 Issue 1  oUt wItH tHe old - In wItH tHe new!   project MAnAger  Behind MASS...
 Have you noticed
  MASS Media has a   yeArs At MAss = 6 Months
 CHevenIng PIlgRIMS’ neweSt ventURe  brand new look? Here at MASS,
 As you may have seen in   stAr sign = tAurus                                                            2019 Issue 1
 we are continually trying to
 previous editions of MASS   improve our marketing
 Media, our Senior Techincal   Favourite film? - I like films so   internet banking, insurance and   cartoons – especially Tom and
 communications and keeping
 Engineer, Andrew Taylor, is a   much, I struggle to narrow it down  even making tax digital. I feel like   Jerry – and Top of the Pops.
 up to date with the style of our
 keen walker and has   magazines is a huge part of   to 1! Here are three that give you   I’ve been part of the
 completed many interesting   an idea of my diverse tastes in   technological revolution that has   Plus the original Star Trek with
 that. Let us know what you   films, in no particular order.   happened since I left University.  William Shatner…..Batman…and the
 trails as a part of the   think by emailing us at
 Chevening Pilgrims. The   Alfie – the 1966 version with                       Monkees! I probably watched too  Michael Caine. It’s a great   Favourite holiday destination and  much TV as a kid….
 group’s latest upcoming
        snapshot of the “Swinging sixties”,   why? - Again, I struggle with
 challenge is the ‘Norfolk   with humour, drama and   favourites on this one.  If you could give your younger
 Coastal Path’. This walk will   well-drawn characters.                        self 1 piece of advice what
 start on Friday 21st June and             I can narrow it down to Europe…     would it be? - Be more confident.
 aRCHIBUS newS flaSH
 end on Monday   Apocalypse Now – again set in the  and North America! I think the   And watch less TV
 The official release of V.24.1 will include a significant price increase,
 24th June, that’s a grueling 4   60’s, but the completely different   holiday I enjoyed most recently
 the first change to ARCHIBUS’ price list in several years. Software
 days of walking. The team will   functionality has improved greatly over the years, and the new   world of the Vietnam war. Visually  was to Lake Maggiore in Italy.  Tidy Desk or Messy?
 be starting at King’s Lynn   pricing allows ARCHIBUS the right level of resources to support the   spectacular, quirky and      Tidy, no doubt about it.
 railway station (King’s Lynn,   ongoing innovation in the product, marketing efforts, and   mysterious.  It was a place I’d read about
 Norfolk) and will walk along              decades ago, and to see it exactly  Favourite memory from working
 overall channel enablement while remaining very competitive in   Mr Bean’s Holiday – I told you there  as described – and largely   at MASS? - Very early days for
 the coastline ending up at
 this industry. This price increase will be applied to all new orders   was variety! Fabulous scenery,   unchanged - was fantastic.   this. I have already enjoyed trips to
 Britannia Pier(Great   taken after March 11th.   crazy, clever humour and a   Glasgow, Edinburgh, Sellafield and
 Yarmouth).   journey. Seriously underrated.   What are your favourite         Paris – airport
                                           hobbies? - Walking and
 Just a few miles from Kings Lynn,  trail is perfect for those who do   hoping to cover 20-24 miles
        Favourite music album and          photography. My partner and I like  Your most embarrassing work
 the group will be on the Norfolk   not like hills as it is one of the   each time to make sure they are
        why? - Dire Straits – Alchemy. I   to do long trails over a series of   moment? - I once got pranked on
 Coastal Path itself, which is a   flattest National Trails there is.   fully prepared.  love the fact that it’s a recording of  weekends.  a grand scale.
 National Trail and therefore will   The total elevation gain is   a live concert, it’s not restricted to
 be well marked along the way.   approximately 1000 metres; this  The group as usual will be   clipped, sanitised 3 minute studio   So far we’ve done the Cotswold   There was a Royal wedding
 The whole walk works out to be   is actually a low feat for the   raising money for charity and on   tracks.  Way, the Oxfordshire Way, and the  coming up and some colleagues
 93 miles which means   group as they have walked the   this occasion it will be for Great   Kennet and Avon canal.  told me that there was going to be
 walking approximately 23 miles   ‘South Downs Way Trail’ which   Ormond Street Anna Lewis   The audience sound is part of its      a party in the office.
        appeal, and there’s a lot of       We’ve just started a new one, the
 a day! Rest assured, they do get  had an elevation gain of over   Fund. More details on this can
        improvisation and just pure        Oxford Green Belt Way, and are      About 30 people on 2 different
 a rest in between - the   4000 meters. A lot of training is   be found following the QR code
        musical entertainment from some  hoping to complete that a bit         sites kept this up for over 3 weeks,
 Chevening Pilgrims will be   needed for this and the group   below.
        fantastic talent.                  quicker than the canal.             and when the day arrived, I
 staying at different National Trust has planned out 3 ‘short’ walks
                                                                               rolled-up to work with beers, food
 properties as well as an Inn   which fall on a Saturday - which  Good luck to Andrew and the   Proudest work achievement?- I   Favourite childhood TV show and  and Union Jack bowler hat...
 along the way for a   is actually already a day they all  Chevening   like to think I’ve played a tiny part   why? - As with the films, I struggle
 well-deserved opportunity to put  get together and walk - and 3   Pilgrims!   in digitising the UK! The telephone  to pick one...I always enjoyed Blue  No party...
 their feet up for the night. This   long ones in which they are   network, the UK’s first interactive   Peter (but not Magpie!),
        digital TV system,                                                     I was the only one...
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