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      2019 Issue 1

             Client - Natural History Museum (NHM)
             Key contact - Gemma Mills,
             Space Manager
             Author -  Katrina Kerr
             About NHM - The Natural History Museum in
             London is a natural history museum that exhibits a
             vast range of specimens from various segments of
             natural history.

                         Visit NHM’s website Here -

       Gemma Mills took up her role as Space                 recent of these being the Darwin Centre which                    A key objective is to correct all the                 allocated rooms and space. ARCHIBUS has also
       Manager at the Natural History Museum in South  was erected in 2009. The role of Space                                 information to ensure accurate reporting.             helped create consistency and capture old
       Kensington, London 3 years ago in May 2016. Her  Manager deals primarily with the back of house                        Gemma is also focussing on ensuring that the          names and numbering systems that have been
       role covers a wide remit, from managing all back  space at the museum, with Curators of                                data is interpretable by other colleagues who         referred to from a system 50 years ago.
       of house space, overseeing correct usage of           exhibitions dealing with their own storage                       would benefit from using the information
       ARCHIBUS for the museum, to creating and              spaces, managing them at certain                                 available. Gemma is solely responsible for            As is frequently the case, the maintenance of
       feeding into multiple internal and external           temperatures and in certain conditions                           deciding and maintaining the best use of              these historical buildings can be challenging,
       reports.                                              according to specific exhibition requirements.                   ARCHIBUS, which means she must fully                  and is managed on rigorous budgets, so correct
                                                             The wider museum space has multiple uses,                        understand the systems capabilities and share         recording of estate information is necessary for
       Gemma primarily oversees the space issues at          ranging from commercial activity to retail, there                this more widely across the Museum. This has          reporting reasons. The Space Manager has to
       the South Kensington site, and the Natural            are the permanent exhibitions and also                           been achieved through the setting up a cross          report on wide ranging projects from size of
       History Museum’s additional site, left by the         temporary ones that rotate in two or three                       departmental Space Management Group to                galleries to space for retail.
       Rothchild family in Tring. This site houses the       specific gallery spaces, where a team designs                    meet regularly and ensure the space is being
       museum’s extensive bird collection.                   and builds the relevant sets.                                    maximised, utilized and recorded correctly.           Overall Gemma reports being happy with
                                                                                                                              Approximately 50 employees across the                 ARCHIBUS as the museums facilities
       The Kensington museum is a beautiful, world           Gemma inherited the ARCHIBUS database when                       organisation have access to the drawings, from        management database and her main focus is
       renowned historical space, first opened to the        she first joined the museum and the system was                   the Directors and Operational teams, to Curators  ensuring correct and best use of the inputted
       public in 1881.  The innovative institution has       in need of some attention. Gemma has been                        who also use it to record and access information  data in order to be in a position to decide if the
       evolved over the years and stands now as an           surveying the site to ensure that all plans on the               on where collections are stored. A web browser        museum will need further integration, modules or
       estate with buildings originating from the            module are correct, and has begun the process                    has also been set up so people can view existing  applications in the future.
       nineteenth to twenty-first centuries. The most        of categorising the space.                                       rooms, but need permission to change

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