Page 50 - E-Workbook Naratives
P. 50



               What can you infer from the tasks you have done?

               What is actually a narrative text?

               What are the social functions of narrative text?

               What are the language features of narrative text?

               Pay attention to the table below.

                                              NARRATIVE TEXT

          Purpose /  Narrative text has purpose to amuse or to entertain the

          Social           readers or the listeners with actual or imaginary events.

          Function         Narrative text is also a media to educate, to tell, or to convey

                           author’s experience.

                           Kind of narratives: legends, folktales, fable, myth, fairy tales

          Generic          Orientation: The introduction of the story

          Structure  Complication: Where the problems in the story developed.

                           Resolution: Where the problems in the story is solved.

          Language  1.  Using simple past tense

          Feature          2. Using adverb of time

                           3. Using time conjunction

                           4. Using direct and indirect speech
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