Page 54 - E-Workbook Naratives
P. 54


                                                   ANSWER KEY

               Unit 1. The Four Dragons

                A. Let’s build your vocabulary

                    No.  Words                     Meaning

                        1.  Starving               Kelaparan

                        2.  Promise                Janji

                        3.  Upset                  Kecewa

                        4.  Spray                  Menyemprotkan/menyemburkan

                        5.  Warning                Peringatan

                        6.  Regret                 Menyesali

                        7.  Joy                    Kebahagiaan

                        8.  Army                   Tentara

                        9.  Imprisoned             Dipenjara

                        10. Escape                 Melarikan diri

                B. Story Time! (Vocabulary Practice)

                    The Four Dragons

                    1. Rice                        6. Good

                    2. Dragon                      7. Never

                    3. Earth                       8. Fell

                    4. Passed                      9. Four

                    5. Sea                         10. Escape
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