Page 340 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 340
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
“2. We Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” are imbued with liberalism and KafaS
Khafash “Free” choice not blind Laqaq Thaqaq “Faith”; to Nuwaup-u
“Nuwaupians” truth is truth, fact is fact. 3. We Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians”
teach our audience to accept these actual facts of Wu-Nuwaup freely to elect your
way wisely and to choose your muEdaq-u Muṡdaq-u “Friends”, mulMad-u
Mulmad-u “Teachers” and life mate intelligently. 8. We Nuwaup-u
“Nuwaupians” respect all who respect us. All are equal in status as opposed to
illiteracy and tajhal Tajhal “Ignorance” and condemn intimidation and
oppression of any kind to anyone; to each their own conscience.”
From Nuwaupian Ethics (8) – “WE as Animists” – v. 1-11
“1. A Eadeq nuwauO-u Ṡadeq Nuwaup-u“True Nuwaupians” do not steal
from yaKar-u Yakhar-u “Others” or receive anything stolen. 2. True
Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” do not con others out of anything. 3. Eadaq
nuwauO-u Ṡadaq Nuwaup-u “True Nuwaupians” do not bribe others or
manipulate, falsify or trick others. 4. Eadeq nuwauO-u Ṡadeq Nuwaup-
u“True Nuwaupians” do not embezzle others. 5. Eadeq nuwaup-u Ṡadeq
Nuwaup-u “True Nuwaupians” do not gamble or play games of chance. 6.
Eadeq nuwauO-u Ṡadeq Nuwaup-u“True Nuwaupians” do not take
advantage of others. 7. Eadeq nuwauO-u Ṡadeq Nuwaup-u “True
Nuwaupians” do not loan what they can share or give to others. 8. Eadeq
nuwauO-u Ṡadeq Nuwaup-u“True Nuwaupians” do not Ghashush
“Deceive” others. 9. Nuwaupians do not dare challenge each other or play
against each other only play games with each other. 10. We as Nuwaupians of
Wu-Nuwaup “Animism” live by the highest standard of moral character
characterized by virtues and being trustworthy, decent, honourable and ethical
persons. 11. Only respect others who respect you that are non-Nuwaupians.”
From Nuwaupian Ethics (7) – “On Chastity” – v. 7-16
“7. Being chaste is to be pure from the Latin word castus “pure” not indulging in
sensual activity that will render you impure in mind, body and yaKaE-aax
Yakhaṡ-aat “Genes”:
With whom do you have sexual activity?