Page 344 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 344
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
than others; or even ourselves to know and recognize the slang word “horny”
which means sexually aroused, excited sexually. This takes place in the person’s
daMaG Damagh “Brain” and is not the same in any way. So you must know
what to look for in a young age with your Karad-u Kharad-u “Children”.”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “The Unclean Issue” – v. 193-194
“193. Don't try and force them to your will, for your will has no effect on them
after sex. 194. Respect their choice yet not their right to be ruled by sex.”
38. GUIDELINES – Sexual Awareness
From Nuwaupian Ethics (3) – “Sexuality ” – v. 5, 7-8
“ 5. We as Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” know the haqaqtal haqaq-aat
Haqaqtal Haqaq-aat “Actual Facts” that both aaSah Aashah “Female” and
aayaS Aayash “Male” and those in between nawaH-aat Nawaḣ-aat
“Genders” get horny equally. It’s not a fact that males are more sexual than
females or that bi-sexuals or homosexuals which should be called hormone
sexuals; or lesbians or transsexuals aren't any more sexual than those who claim to
be heterosexuals. It is the same and equal in kakal Kalal “All”, with the
exception of only muKNaStat-u Mukhnashtat-u “Hermaphrodites” or
MuKNaS-u Mukhnash-u “Hemaphrodites” whose bodies hazuz Hazuz
“Vibrate” on twice the frequency as all other beings, the original beings. 7. We as
Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” encourage our tribal muladadtat-u Muldadtat-
u “Mothers” and muldad-u Muldad-u “Fathers” to know your own
children’s sexuality at a young age, know some children are much more sexual
than others and it’s very important not to ignore this or you will find you loose
your Karad-u Kharad-u “Children”. The jawed Jawed “Wicked”,
dawew Dawew “Evil” world at a young age as the girls seek boys and the
fatay-u Fatay-u “Boys” seek fataytat-u Fataytat-u “Girls” this is
part of the humanoid natural nature, puberty; some more and before others. To
ignore it or try to enforce restrictions on them will not work it's in their very brain
chemistry. So you jalus Jalus “Sit” and natuq Natuq “Speak” with them
not at them to find out and remember girls can be just as horny as boys and some
at a very young age. To enforce total separation of genders does not work; too
much contact unsupervised between gender does not work. You have to know