Page 366 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 366
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
71. GUIDELINES – Workplace Etiquette
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “The Unclean Issue” – v. 222-231
“222. Remember you are an example of all the Nuwaupians, your actions at home
and outside the home. 223. Nobody should seek their own pleasures and desires
without the thought of others. 224. If those who are not Nuwaupians invite you to
do as they do reject their way yet respect their right to it. Don't participate with
them. 225. If they say here take this, let's go there, come on let's do this, do not
follow after them. 226. You know right from what is wrong. Don't lose your soul
for the things of this physical world. 227. Don't try to please everybody in every
way. 228. Say to them I am not seeking my own pleasures in this life for I am a
part of a whole. 229. All Nuwaupians are reflected in me, so that they all may be
saved. 230. You should be able to say to others follow my example as I follow the
example of those who live by Paa Ṫaraq; that is our way. 231. The right way for
From Nuwaupian Ethics (6) – “Being Aware ” – v. 4-5, 8
“4. I am aware of my surroundings. This is to be aware that wherever I am
personally. I am the qabaL Qabaṫ “Center” all SayaN-aat Shayan-aat
“Things”, makaN-aat Makan-aat “Places” and SaKaE-u Shakhaṡ-u
“Persons” are around me. I am the point from whom all is equally distant from
all points. 5. I am aware that I am in rabub Rabub “Control” of all things
around me in so far as how close or how far, when it is and how I haruk
Haruk “Move” from my point as the center. So I am aware of Deity, I am aware.
8. I am aware and being aware of my own makwan Makwan “Being”, I can
baNun Banun “Build” it or Karub Kharub “Destroy” it. I can sayun
Sayun “Protect” my being or allow it danger. I can keep my being naKeby
Nakheby “Healthy” or I can poison it.”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – Chap. 4 – “Paa Ṫaraq 'The Way'” –
v. 10
“10. Your environment has an effect on your relationships, be careful where you