Page 384 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 384

– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –

                    this or that; or I aborted, that is killed, murdered, an unborn person because of this

                    or that. Yes, it’s partly your maNaS-u Manash-u “Parents” fault; yet, it is also
                    your own physical fault and your Aaqal Ȧaqal “Mind”. You read that sex
                    book or magazine or looked at the photos. You watched pornography that caused a
                    reaction in your brain and addicts you to look again and again and overtime the
                    desire to look at more and more perversions and even wanting to try and or
                    experiment; then your whole life is changed and you’re a new person out of
                    control. It’s all a reaction in your brain, Now if before your tazwah Tazwah
                    “Marriage” you did not know this about yourself and your mate does not wish to
                    compromise or agree with your newly uncovered perversions, you will go out to
                    seek them elsewhere and destroy your relationship and yasar Yasar
                    “Family”. This is real and happening everyday. That is the point of strip clubs,
                    pornography websites to seduce, allure, addict, attract, entice and trap you. It’s the
                    works of the sex force; the six ether forces to take over your Aaqal Ȧaqal
                    “Mind”, KaLaL Khaṫaṫ “Body” and take your very baaaH Baaaḣ “Soul”
                    Luster attracts lust; Pleasure attracted by feeling good; many mix up lust for

                    From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – Chap. 6 – “Haqaq shil Haqaqaat
                    'Fact of Facts'” – v. 28, 33

                    “28. Many of you, both male and female young and old commit indecent sexual
                    acts with others and they will be receiving by themselves and actions of indecency

                    a great penalty for their perversions.  33. No man should sleep around with other
                    women not in his family for one may give him a disease he brings home to his
                    family and infects them.”

                    From Nuwaupian Ethics (9) – “The Center of You” – v. 12-18

                    “12.  You’re your own judge for only you really know you; look out at this
                    physical taOal Tapal “World” and note wherever you are you’re in the center

                    all things revolve and are moving around you.  13. How all SayaN-aat
                    Shayan-aat “Things” happened and will happen depends on where you allow
                    your person to be at any waqut Waqut “Time” or place.  14. How yaKar-u

                    Yakhar-u “Others” treat you, depends on how you allow them to treat you.  15.
                    What you look like is how you allow yourself to look.  16. Your physical health is
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