Page 126 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 126

– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –

                    “151. Never wake up newborn children.  Let them wake up on their own, unless
                    you suspect something may be wrong with them.  163. Never, ever let a stranger
                    handle your child.  165. Never, ever kiss a child, baby, newborn in their mouth or

                    eyes.  Never, ever,  166. Never let adults embrace your child, pick them up, or
                    hold them.  Adults have germs.  170. You have to protect your newborn, your
                    children.  Don't let others take care of your children if you're not sure they will do
                    as well as you and care as much as you.  171. (in part) Don't touch other people's

                    babies.  Don't give things to children.  Give it to the parents to give.”

               104. GUIDELINE – Childcare (Babysitting)

                    From Nuwaupian Ethics (4) – “Hygiene and Health” – v. 13-15, 26

                    “13. Nuwaupians will always keep their Karad-u Kharad-u “Children“ clean
                    a well as newborns with no excuse; mawaz-u Mawaz-u “Babies” and little
                    children must be kept very clean and their environment kept sanitary at all times
                    for their good health.  14. Nuwaupians mothers never, ever let anyone kiss your
                    baby or Karad Kharad “Child”, children. Not ever the father, for fear of germ

                    exchange.  15. Nuwaupians kissing is an act passed on to muccas-u Muccas-u
                    “Caucasoids” by canines and then to others kissing is the same as a DNA test,
                    you exchange DNA with open-mouth kissing and is why we call it a genetic kiss;
                    only kiss with your committed mate in the faMam Famam “Mouth” ; never
                    have oral jaNas Janas “Sex” without knowing the history of the person. One
                    bawaa Bawas “Kiss” or exchange of body fluids changes your whole genetic
                    past and can plan your future. Closed mouth kissing was done long before the
                    muccas-u Muccas-u “Caucasoids” and kulab-aat Kulab-aat
                    “Canines” open-mouthed, tongue-licking kissing. Canines show affection by
                    licking, that is their form of expression. It became Muccas-u “Caucasoids” own
                    while in the caves and hillsides as Cro-Magnum living with canines and still with
                    them to this day.  26. Nuwaupians keep yourself and environment clean and
                    smelling fresh.”

                    From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – Chap. 31 – “Your Children” – v.
                    171- in part

                    “171. (in part) All Nuwaupian children are to be protected by all Nuwaupians.
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