Page 167 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 167

– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –

                    and musical instruments.  We must take the responsibility for our own happiness
                    both  spiritually and physically, for we are unlike those around us...”

                    Statute 8 – Success – (in part) pg. 38-39

                    “pg. 38-39. We The People must re-install in our people the realities that success
                    and succession comes from cooperation and participation. We must work together

                    to accomplish goals that would result in our success as a people.”

                    Statute 9 – Law – (in part) pg. 39, 41

                    “pg. 39, 41. We The People must not make nor accept any laws that do not pertain
                    to us as a people by nature.  We are not to respect laws made, forced or enforced
                    upon us by those who do not have our best interest, health, welfare, or wealth in
                    mind.  We are to make laws that  are acceptable, agreeable, and comprisable to all

                    the indigenous people of our nation.  We are not to impose curfews or put
                    restrictions on individuals from self-determination  and pursuits, that are in
                    violation of others privacy or safety.  We are to live by the
                    laws agreed upon in the Constitution of the Yamassee Tribe of Native

                    Americans, the United Nuwaupian Nation.  All legislative powers mentioned in
                    these nine statues shown above of our Constitution inscribed and given, shall be
                    vested in the Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, the United Nuwaupian
                    Nation people of the world. The position of muMkak Mumkak “Chief” or the

                    Sovereign Grand Commander is eternal..”

                32. JUSTICE – Responsibility (Subject to amendment.)

                       I. From The Constitution of  U.N.N. “The United Nuwaupian Nation.” –

                           Statute 9 “Law” – pg. 42

                           “pg. 42. Any officer can and will be removed by the people for
                           incompetency, indecency, dishonesty, biases, instability of health both

                           physical or mental.”

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