Page 277 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 277
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
“8. Improper diet and any and all intake is another hindrance to spiritual progress.
9. Your divine you, is drugged, sleep, in a deep coma making your mafKuXet
Mafkhuzhet impotent, killing your potential as Nadjaru. 10. Unable to
transform at will or tune unto the multi-verses of voices speaking to you at all
times. 11. Blocking your true divine abilities. 12. Blocking your true capacity
13. Blocking you from repairing your DNA and receiving your barathary gland
activated. 14. Making you use only a small part of your brain.”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – “Tarkhakh 'Relaxation'” – v. 1-10,
13-17, 19-20, 22-27
“1. Li Kuum, Ȧy Nuwaup-u Yasar, Ȧy Kharad-u! “For You, My Nuwaupian
Family, My Children!” 2. What I must impart to you is Wu-Nuwaup, the most
important tarKaK Tarkhakh “relaxation” on self-control, relation, and
meditation. 3. It's the key to health. 4. The importance of a healthy you. 5. A
healthy brain, body, and spirit. 6. A healthy mind, soul, and etheric being. 7. A
healthy deity being. 8. A healthy kaHeN muKwaN Kaḣen Mukhwan “divine
being”. 9. A Nawep muKwaN Nawep Mukhwan “supreme being”. 10. All
by proper Tarkhakh “relaxation” and meditation 13. Undistributed time with
little or no motion except breathing. No noise except your own inner heart beat,
peacefulness. 14. Absence of worldly thinking, relax and let go, let your mind go
to a place you never go. 15. Remove all worldly worries, sit alone, eyes closed;
remove all worldly things. 16. Remember Ay habeba Karad-u Ȧy
Habeba Kharad-u “my beloved children” the very words healthy and health
begin with the word heal. 17. To heal one's self is step one. To heal one's whole
being will heal one's whole body. 19. What you must always remember is: if you
eat flesh that has blood in it, this was spirit, life and it becomes a part of you. 20.
It's spirits enter your spirits, it's fears and it's aggressions become yours and visits
your mind. 22. Know this: by taking care of your outer physical body you are
protecting your inner body. 23. And by poisoning your outer physical body will
maim your inner beings. 24. Also your mental state affects your kaHeN
muKwaN Kaḣen Mukhwan “divine being”. 25. Mental states such as: anger,
frustration, greed, hate, jealousy, lust and other emotions that can overpower your
beings by desire or by physical intakes such as: Foods, drugs, alcohol. 26.
Smokes of many kinds, junk food, cigarettes, white sugar, white flour, and salts all
processed by evil demons in haMan Haman “human” form to prevent you
from kaHen Kaḣen “divine” transformation. 27. Also by sounds as unhealthy
music or the lack of it. Also by lights as unhealthy cinema, T.V. And the likes.”