Page 274 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 274
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
60. GUIDELINES – Sexual Cleanliness
From Nuwaupian Ethics (4) – “Hygiene and Health” – v. 9-in part, 15-19
“9. (in part) ....Germs live in warm mayay Mayay “Water” and many females
get infections of many Nawaḣ-aat “Kinds” from products as well as objects that
enter her raham Raham “Womb” or is inserted in her vaginal opening. Never,
ever allow a mate to rush you into sexual intercourse before you can wash your
private parts. Many and most relationships are broken because of KaLaL
Khaṫaṫ “Body” odours that many western zazaztat-u Zazaztat-u
“Women” contract unknowingly. As a woman ages her system does not clean
itself as well. A woman should be ever mindful of her body as she is a liquid
creature and heat and liquid is a place to host germs and infections. Always know
what and who your mate slept or sleeps with and does he carry any venereal
diseases. Many men have V.D. yet, will not say out of Kawaf Khawaf “Fear”,
he will not have a relationship. The same for many aaSah Aashah “Females”.
V.D. can result in death. 15. Nuwaupians kissing is an act passed on to
muccas-u Muccas-u “Caucasoids” by canines and then to others kissing is
the same as a DNA test, you exchange DNA with open-mouth kissing and is why
we call it a genetic kiss; only kiss with your committed mate in the faMam
Famam “Mouth” ; never have oral jaNas Janas “Sex” without knowing the
history of the person. One bawaa Bawas “Kiss” or exchange of body fluids
changes your genetic past and can plan your future. Closed mouth kissing was
done long before the muccas-u Muccas-u “Caucasoids” and kulab-aat
Kulab-aat “Canines” open-mouthed, tongue-licking kissing. Canines show
affection by licking, that is their form of expression. It became Muccas-u
“Caucasoids” own while in the caves and hillsides as Cro-Magnum living with
canines and still with them to this day. 16. Nuwaupians, these are many sexually
transmittable diseases from human’s kind to humans and after satu afu
zaMut-aat Satu Afu Zamut-aat “6,000 years” of rapes and willful sexual
exchange, the list of venereal disease (VD), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
and sexually transmitted infections (STI) can be long. Here are the main ones:
Human Papillomavirus
Genital Warts