Page 17 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI_Neat
P. 17

Write your   “  People do judge a book by its
                 cover. We may have the best
 unique story    product, the highest quality,
                 the most useful software
                 etc.; if we present them in a
                 slipshod manner, they will be
 Your story must become   perceived as slipshod; if we
 the customer’s story too.   present them in a creative,
                 professional manner, we will
 Positioning or re-positioning must    impute the desired qualities
 create differentiation by communicating      ”
 a new, refreshing story that is relevant   Mike Markkula,
 and compelling to all audiences.    former Apple CEO
 The position creates shared goals that
 strengthen relationships. More than
 what you are – positioning captures
 what you mean to your audience.
 Positioning is visionary. It is not only
 taking a position for today – it is about
 capturing the imagination and owning
 the future too.

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