Page 46 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI_Neat
P. 46


                                                                             Emberson helps B2B companies
                                                                             overcome uncertainty and ambiguity
                                                                             by introducing clarity.
                                                                             But more than just clarity for its own
                                                                             sake, our proposition is about creating
                                                                             something practical: clearer starting
                                                                             points – so you move forward in the
                                                                             most efficient way.
                                                                             Because the clearer everything
                                                                             is at the beginning, the better
                                                                             the outcome at the end.
                                                                             Our services include positioning,
                                                                             branding and campaign creative.
                                                                             If you would like to discuss your brand
                                                                             positioning, or any other brand-related
                                                                             challenges you’re facing, then why not
                                                                             get in touch, we’d love to see how
                                                                             we can help.
                                                                             Andy Graham
                                                                             Positioning Director
                                                                             T.  +44 (0)1225 686 266

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