Page 43 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI_Neat
P. 43
Part Three:
Make the Energy performance drink
value visible “Gives you wings”
Energy drinks aside, in technology
companies branding is rarely a priority.
Visibility creates trust and Why is that? Just because most B2B
markets are more technical and more
trust drives preference. niche than consumer ones doesn’t mean
the benefits of visibility do not apply.
The position is constantly reinforced They do. The more visible your brand
through the brand – it is the idea the more likely you are to be trusted
made visible. and front of mind – this is a proven
psychological bias.
In the consumer world we all know that
brand visibility is essential to success. • Even now, many technology
Look no further than Red Bull who invest companies remain sceptical
35% of their turnover in brand promotion. of the brand effect
In analysis, the Red Bull product is just
like any other caffeine-based energy • This gives an enormous head
drink – a combination of caffeine, start to those with the faith
B-group vitamins, amino acids and and courage to invest
sugars. Positioning is all they have • A confidently-applied and
to differentiate. appropriate brand strategy
is instrumental in achieving
market dominance