Page 18 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI
P. 18

Positioning canvas

            A structured approach.

          GLOBAL DRIVERS        BUSINESS STRATEGY                                              BRAND STRATEGY

          The big issues. Growth,   Growth, analysis, markets, goals,                          Assessment of current and
                                                                                               potential brand strategy:
          technology, automation,   vision,  position (today/tomorrow).                        hierarchy and nomenclature,
          digital, political, demographic,                                                     brand naming, brand
          financial, environmental.  VALUE & BENEFIT                                           identity, brand imagery.
          CUSTOMERS             The value and benefits
                                we bring customers in
                                context. Value messaging.
          Segmentation by: region,                                                             CATEGORY
          business type, role, persona                            PROPOSITION
          and demographic to    PROOF                                                          IDENTIFIER
          understand their drivers
          and customers’ voice.                                    The most compelling         Defining the category:
                                Third party endorsements           argument – the central      new or existing.
                                and case studies. Build trust.    logic. Control the game.
          MARKET DRIVERS                                            What you stand for.
                                DIFFERENTIATION                       The mission.
          A subset of global drivers
          interpreted for the sector    Tangible technical and service
          in question.                                                                         COMMS PLAN
                                differentiation. Leadership.
                                Innovation.                                                    A plan of campaigns and
          COMPETITORS                                                                          tactics for 12 months + web
                                                                                               events, advertising, print,
                                IMAGE & VALUES                                                 digital, database.
          Review of both direct
          and indirect competition
          products, brand, messages,   Values that reflect both the desired
          position, etc.        brand image and tone of voice.

           Download and print a template version of this page:                         * Hint: Differentiation = $$$
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