Page 16 - 善美韶关
P. 16

韶关,古称“韶州”,相传舜帝南巡登韶石山奏韶乐,有“箫  Shaoguan, formerly Shaozhou, is said to be the terminal
 韶九成,凤凰来仪”的记载,“韶”字因此而来。隋开皇九年(589  point of “Emperor Shun’s Southward Inspection”. Emperor Shun
 年)取韶石之名改东衡州为韶州,之后历朝沿袭。  visited this area and played local “Shao music”, giving birth to the
     先秦时期韶关属南越。西汉元鼎六年设曲江县时,便以韶关为  name of “Shao”. In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang (589), this
 幸福韶关中国·韶关     area was renamed Shaozhou, and followed by other dynasties.
 县治,至今已有 2100 多年历史。明清之际,在今韶关市区先后设
                   In the Pre-Qin period, Shaoguan was inhabited by Nanyue
 立水陆三个税关,因此得名韶关,延续至今。1952 年以后先后设
               people. 2,100 years ago, it was set up as a county called Qujiang in
 粤北行政区、韶关专区、韶关地区,1983 年撤销地区改为韶关市。
               111 BC when Emperor Wudi of Xihan Dynasty was on the throne.
               At the junchure of Ming and Qing Dynasty, three customhouses
               were established in the area for water and the land transportation.
               Qujiang was named Shaoguan afterwards (“Guan” means
 he City of Beauty and Happiness
 the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
               customhouse in Chinese). After 1952, different administrative
               regions were established in the area, including the Guangdong
               North Administrative Region, the Shaoguan Special Administrative
               Region, and the Shaoguan District, etc. In 1983, the district was
               formally changed to Shaoguan City.                   011 011



 Chapter 1 An Ancient City of  Great Civilization
 Chapter 1  The Ancient City of  Great Civilization
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21