Page 18 - 善美韶关
P. 18

人杰地灵的韶关,先后涌现出陈    Shaoguan is a birthplace of many famous people, such as
 朝重臣侯安都、唐代名相张九龄、宋  Hou Andu, one of the Chen Dynasty’s three key lieutenants, Zhang
 代名臣余靖、明代抗倭名将陈璘等杰  Jiuling, a prominent chancellor, noted poet and scholar of the Tang
     出人士及邵谒、廖燕等大批学者、诗  Dynasty, Yu Jing, the Song Dynasty’s famous official, Chen Lin, a
 幸福韶关中国·韶关     general and admiral of the Ming dynasty, as well as a large number
               of scholars and poets such as Shao Yong and Liao Yan. The sixth
 and Happiness
               Zen Buddhist patriarch Hui Neng once lived and promoted Zen
               Buddhist at home and abroad in Shaoguan. Han Yu, Liu Yuxi, Su
               Dongpo, Yang Wanli, Wen Tianxiang and a group of famous poets
               and scholars had travel to Shaoguan. The revolutionary pioneer Sun
 Shaoguan, the City of Beauty
               Yat-sen commanded the Northern Expedition twice in Shaoguan,
 the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
               and Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Chen Yi and many other leaders of
 文化交汇地,韶关历来是一片文化沃  proletarian revolutionaries have sowed the seeds of revolution here.
 土——禅宗文化、客属文化、姓氏迁  As a melting pot of ancient Central Plains culture and
 徙文化、红色文化、民俗文化、工矿  Southern Baiyue culture, Shaoguan has always been a fertile
 文化……走进韶关,这里丰富多彩的  land of diversified cultures, such as Zen culture, Hakka culture,  013
 文化气息扑面而来,“韶文化”品牌  migration culture, revolutionary culture, folk culture, and industrial
 独特而靓丽。        and mining culture, etc. Shaoguan is an unique and beautiful place
               with rich and diversified cultures.



 Chapter 1. An Ancient City of  Great Civilization
 Chapter 1  The Ancient City of  Great Civilization
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