Page 25 - 善美韶关
P. 25
中共广东省委机关迁至韶关 The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee
善美之城 1938 年 10 月 21 日,广州沦 of the Communist Party of China Relocating to
陷。针对当时严峻的抗战形势, Shaoguan
中共广东省委机关由广州迁至韶 st
中国·韶关 On October 21 , 1938, Guangzhou was occupied by enemies
关。据统计,广东省委在粤北 22 during the anti-Japanese war. In response to the severe situation
个地方活动过,其中瑶坑、红围、 at the time, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the
五里亭三址是省委机关主要办公 Communist Party of China moved from Guangzhou to Shaoguan.
地点,时间持续到 1942 年 5 月。 According to statistics, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee
如今这些旧址仍然保存完好,被 has been active in 22 places in northern parts of Guangdong. The
专家学者称为“红色祖屋”。 sites of Yaokeng, Hongwei and Wuliting were the main office
the City of KINDNESS and Beauty
locations of the provincial party committee until May 1942. These
old sites are well preserved today, and are called “ancestral houses
of the revolution” by experts and scholars.
Chapter 1 The Ancient City of Great Civilization