Page 12 - Waterways_Feb_2019
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          James Surls: Within Without  Grimm Tales           Champions of Austria
          March 5–August 18        March 29–31               April 12–13
          This exhibition of work from   Ballet Austin performs a new, full-  The Austin Symphony Orchestra
          Texas-born sculptor Surls features   length work based on the original   welcomes violinist William Hagen as
          more than 30 large and small objects   fairytales published by the Brothers   it performs complementary works
          spanning 40 years. Tuesdays–Fridays   Grimm, not the Disney versions.   from Austrian composers Wolfgang
          10 AM–4 PM; Saturdays & Sundays   Friday & Saturday @ 8 PM; Sunday   Amadeus Mozart and Josef Anton
          12–4 PM. UMLAUF Sculpture Garden   @ 3 PM. The Long Center.  Bruckner. 8 PM. The Long Center.
          & Museum.
                                   Stop the Clot 5K          Lake Travis in the
          Ride.Drive.Give.         March 30                  Water Boat Show
          March 15                 Austin’s chapter of the National   April 12–14       Austin Food + Wine Festival
          Take part in a day of fast cars and   Blood Clot Alliance hosts its annual   Emerald Point Marina hosts this boat   April 26–28
          philanthropy, all to support the   5K run and 1-mile walk to advance   show just in time for summer. Enjoy   Gustatory delights await as this
          Center for Child Protection and its   the prevention, diagnosis and    demos as well as great deals on new   year’s festival serves up taco
          mission to end the cycle of child   treatment of life-threatening blood   boats. Weather permitting. Friday   competitions, grilling demos and
          abuse. Circuit of The Americas.  clots. 8:30 AM. Oaks at Lakeway.  12–7 PM; Saturday 10 AM–7 PM;    more from top chefs and winemakers
                                                             Sunday 10 AM–5 PM. 5973 Hiline Road.  from across the US and right here at
          Lakeway Community        Matilda the Musical                                  home. Auditorium Shores.
          Blood Drive              April 3–May 12            Eggstravaganza! 2019
          March 16                 Roald Dahl’s beloved heroine leaps   April 13        La Bohème
          Donate blood to We Are Blood,   from the pages to the stage in an    Celebrate Easter and spring’s arrival   April 27–May 5
          and help save lives. Walk-ins are   adaptation that in 2013 was   with an Easter egg hunt, arts and   Austin Opera presents Puccini’s tale
          welcome, but organizers encourage   nominated for the Tony Award® for   crafts, a petting zoo and a visit with   of young bohemians living, loving
          donors to schedule a donation by   Best Original Score. Performances on   the Easter Bunny. 2–4 PM. Lakeway   and struggling to fulfill their dreams
          contacting lakewaycommunity-  Wednesdays–Saturdays @ 7:30 PM;   City Park.    in Paris’ Latin Quarter. Saturday &
 Lakeway   Saturdays & Sundays @ 2:30 PM.                Thursday @ 7:30 PM; Sunday
          Activity Center.         ZACH Theatre.             6th Annual Art Dinner      @ 2:30 PM. The Long Center.
                                                             April 13
          Creative Expressions     Soldier Songs             The Contemporary Austin hosts   SpringFest 2019
          March 22–23              April 5–6                 its annual dinner and auction to   April 27
          Celebrate women composers   Austin Opera presents David T.    celebrate its ongoing efforts to   “The Biggest Time in the Smallest
          throughout the ages with the Austin   Little’s multimedia opera, a work   evolve into a sustainable, accessible   Town,” this community festival offers
          Symphony Orchestra and special   adapted from recorded interviews   art-in-nature experience. 6 PM. The   shopping, food, music and fun for the
          guests Time for Three and pianist   with veterans of five wars that    Contemporary Austin–Laguna Gloria.  whole family rain or shine. 11 AM–7
          Michelle Schumann. The program   combines elements of opera, theatre          PM. Hill Country Galleria.
          Mendelssohn, Clara Wieck                           April 13                   An Afternoon of Enchantment
          Schumann and Jennifer Higdon.    30th Annual Bandana Ball  This year’s event held by the Austin   April 28
          8 PM. The Long Center.   April 6                   chapter of CureDuchenne includes   The Ballet Austin Guild presents its
                                   The Ronald McDonald House   casino games, live and silent    third annual Sunday tea and Ballet
          The Boston Pops on Tour  Charities of Central Texas celebrates   auctions and a gourmet meal, all   Austin youth scholarship program
          March 24                 30 years of supporting families   to raise money to find a cure for   fundraiser. A prelude to Ballet
          Conductor Keith Lockhart and   with hospitalized children with a   Duchenne muscular dystrophy.    Austin’s performance of Giselle, the
          “America’s Orchestra” perform   boot-scooting evening. 6 PM. Wild   6 PM. University of Texas Golf Club.  Guild celebrates with fun décor,
          selections from the massive, magical   Onion Ranch.                           costumes and festivities for guests
          body of film score work from John                  The Ballad of Klook and Vinette  of all ages. 2 PM. The LINE Austin.
          Williams. 7:30 PM. The Long Center.                April 24–May 26
                                                             Based on the book by Ché Walker,
                                                             Klook and Vinette are two lost souls   Clockwise from top right: Maestro Peter
                                                             trying to find themselves in this    Bay conducts the Austin Symphony
                                                             contemporary love story.    Orchestra; Wonders & Worries hosts its
                                                                                        annual Unmasked Gala in February; dine
                                                             Performances on Wednesdays–   al fresco at The Contemporary Austin’s
                                                             Saturdays @ 7:30 PM; Saturdays &   Annual Art Dinner; Matthew McConaughey
                                                             Sundays @ 2:30 PM. ZACH Theatre.  is a 2019 recipient of the Texas Medal of Arts
                                                             2019 UMLAUF Garden Party
                                                             April 25
                                                             This annual benefit takes place in
                                                             the lush sculpture garden, where
                                                             attendees can enjoy fine food and
                                                             drink from local vendors as well as
                                                             entertainment from a variety of
                                                             Austin-area performers throughout
                                                             the garden. 7 PM. UMLAUF Sculpture
                                                             Garden & Museum.
          10 WATERWAYS | February 2019
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