Page 3 - Kaleidoscope 1/2018
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It is a great honour to be the editor for this 1/2018 KALEIDOSCOPE.
As the saying goes, one flower makes no garland, this bulletin is not the result
of one individual’s work. It is the immense effort by, first and foremost, our
advisor, Ms. Kathleen Dass for her useful advice and her time in helping and
guiding us all the way. Then, the wonderful Editorial Board, for giving their
unconditional support and co-operation in getting this bulletin published.
I would also like to thank our assistant editor, Hui Min who has patiently and
excellently compiled the bulletin into this beautiful filpbook. This is the first
time that our TESL Kaleidoscope is published in this form. I would like to
convey my appreciation to all students who have contributed and shared
their thoughts and ideas here. A very special thanks to our Non-TESL friends
who have also been a part of this bulletin. THANK YOU.
Dear Readers,
You have in your hands Kaleidoscope – Taking Stock Of Our Journey.
It captures the moments of our journey as student teachers – from our
expectation on the day of registration, till today, and then of ourselves in the
future. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed doing it. We
apologise for any shortcomings and hope our effort results in a happy
reading experience for you!